ghenry22 / subsonic-synology

Subsonic setup to run on Synology NAS
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Error installing the package after upgrading to DS918+ #29

Open ziss0u opened 5 years ago

ziss0u commented 5 years ago

It keeps giving me an error upon trying to install the package: "Error: Can not start subsonic during install." Looks like others were having this issue and it was because of RAM, but this system has 4gb of RAM by default, so it shouldn't be an issue. Any help would be appreciated!

ghenry22 commented 5 years ago

@ziss0u are you able to grab the subsonic log file? If you can it might have a bit more detail about why it is unable to start. The most common reasons are either a lack of free memory for java to start or something already running on port 4040 on the system which will make a conflict.

Is this a fresh install or an upgrade?

What version of Java do you have installed?

What model of Synology and what DSM version?

I'm happy to do some investigation but the more information you can provide me the easier it will be to work out what is going on.

ziss0u commented 5 years ago

The logs for Subsonic don't exist. The only logged item is that the install had an error.

This is an upgrade, so all my settings ported over to the new machine. I had a DS216play before this and had Subsonic up and running (albeit taking up 70% of my RAM while running). Java 8 is running. Synology DS918+ with DSM 6.2.1

Let me know what else I can provide.

carakesa commented 4 years ago

I'm having this issue on my Synology 218J as well.

I had tried tweaking the upper ram limit allocation and 6.1.5 would no longer start. Of course I didn't have a backup of the file either, so I uninstalled 6.1.5 and now can't seem to get 6.1.3 to start (same error as ziss0u). 6.1.5 errors stating something along the lines of needing the "Subsonic directory with a capital S in the public folder to upgrade" even when "New Install" is selected.

Was working fine before the ID-10T error.

Java -version reports:

openjdk version "1.8.0_212" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 3.12.0) (linux-gnu build 1.8.0_212-b04) OpenJDK Client VM (build 25.212-b04, mixed mode)

htop shows 219 of 500MB ram used. Going to try disabling some services and restarting 6.1.3 to see if that does anything.