ghettovoice / vuelayers

Web map Vue components with the power of OpenLayers
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Using different projections in 0.12.x #356

Closed Soren-Knudsen closed 3 years ago

Soren-Knudsen commented 3 years ago

I'm having some trouble upgrading my current solution with 0.11.x to 0.12.x. My working solution with 0.11.x is depicted below together with my first try on upgrading to 0.12.x.

Version 0.11.x

<vl-map ref="map" projection="EPSG:25832">
  <vl-layer-tile :z-index="0">
  <vl-layer-vector  z-index="1">
    <vl-source-vector :features="features" projection="EPSG:4326"></vl-source-vector>

After some fiddling, I added the data-projection="EPSG:25832" and tile-grid-factory (because the matrix ids are strings) which made the background layer work but I still can get my vector layer to render? It seems to be ignoring the projection on vl-layer-vector when converting the GeoJson objects to Features?

Version 0.12.0-rc.4

<vl-map data-projection="EPSG:25832">
    <vl-layer-tile :z-index="0">
    <vl-layer-vector :z-index="1">
      <vl-source-vector :features="features" projection="EPSG:4326"></vl-source-vector>
ghettovoice commented 3 years ago

Hello @Soren-Knudsen , thanks for response. I found that there is incorrect data projection resolving in source components.

Wait a bit, I will publish a patched version

Soren-Knudsen commented 3 years ago

@ghettovoice: Awesome, thanks for a quick reply šŸ‘

ghettovoice commented 3 years ago

@Soren-Knudsen upgrade please

Soren-Knudsen commented 3 years ago

@ghettovoice: The fix works! šŸ‘

I stumbled upon another issue with either the z-index or when the rendering is triggered. The features are not rendered when the map first mounts. If I manually clear the features list and add the items again after the map is mounted the features renders as expected.

<vl-layer-vector :z-index="1">
    <vl-source-vector :features="features" projection="EPSG:4326"></vl-source-vector>
ghettovoice commented 3 years ago

I don't see any problems with this in my local setup. Maybe you forget to register EPSG:25832 projection with proj4. Can you show full code?

Soren-Knudsen commented 3 years ago

The computed property looks as follows:

computed: {
    features(): GeoJSONFeature[] {
        const features = [...]
        return features;

No problems with the projection. When I add the map.updateSize() the issue disappears. So it seems to be a missing rerender when the computed property changes. If you are still not able to reproduce the issue I will create an example.

ghettovoice commented 3 years ago

I will create an example

Yes, it would be helpful. I tried through data property and through computed. Actually there is no difference between them for vl-source-vector component.

Soren-Knudsen commented 3 years ago

Hi @ghettovoice

I looked into the issue. When the vector layer first renders, the currentFeaturesViewProj uses a wrong projection. If I after the map is rendered, triggers a change (The features property above) currentFeaturesViewProj is recalculated with the correct projection. That is why the features are not a shown on the map.

ghettovoice commented 3 years ago

Ok, let me check

ghettovoice commented 3 years ago

Do you sure that features in the correct projection at the start? They should be in the resolved data projection, you can check resolvedDataProjection of the vl-source-vector. In your case it should be EPSG:4326.

I'm still not see any problems with this. I have made simple demo with different projections on components Maybe I missed something meaningful in your use case...

Soren-Knudsen commented 3 years ago

@ghettovoice, I tried to recreate the issue in jsfiddle - Please have a look If you e.g. wrap the code in the created hook with a setTimeout the data gets rendered otherwise it doesn't.

ghettovoice commented 3 years ago

Thanks, now I got it. Publishing fixed release...

UPD your demo based on v0.12.0-rc.6

Soren-Knudsen commented 3 years ago

@ghettovoice Awesome! The demo works! I tried it on the actual solution where I get one step closer šŸ™Œ The solution renders the map after bumping but afterward throws an exception and the map is blank. The exception below.


ghettovoice commented 3 years ago

This is interesting... I didn't saw any problems with this.

Post me your code pls. Especially the place where "The solution renders the map after bumping"