ghettovoice / vuelayers

Web map Vue components with the power of OpenLayers
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Access layer from selected feature(s) in InteractionSelect #382

Closed sh-aix closed 3 years ago

sh-aix commented 3 years ago

Hey there,

I need to access the layer of one or multiple selected features in InteractionSelect. With the @select listener I receive the ol.feature,but it has no link to the source layer. What would be the best way to access the corresponding layer?

Regards, Stefan

ghettovoice commented 3 years ago

Hello @sh-aix , you can filter layers that contain feature:

import { Vector as VectorLayer } from 'ol/layer'


const layers = this.$ => {
  return layer instanceof VectorLayer && 

// or if you have layer Id inside feature data properties
const layer = this.$'layerId'))
sh-aix commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick response. I thought there might be perhaps an easier way to achieve this than iterate over all layers.

However I got the error "Cannot use import statement outside a module" when trying to import a type from the ol lib. The classes of ol are not found. Can you give me a hint how to fix this. I am using NuxtJS with VueLayers.

ghettovoice commented 3 years ago

I'm not very familiar with NuxtJS. As I know you need to define client plugin. You can try this

As for feature/layer relationship: in OpenLayers in a ol/Feature there is no link to the layer/source because feature instance can be added to multiple vector sources. Not a very common case but sometimes used with it. And also this can lead to the circular dependency between feature and vector source classes. I guess this is the reason why there is no direct link.