ghettovoice / vuelayers

Web map Vue components with the power of OpenLayers
MIT License
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How to detect drag on vl-map component (pointerdrag) #423

Closed gcothiasfaure closed 3 years ago

gcothiasfaure commented 3 years ago

Hello @ghettovoice, thank you for this awesome and powerful package.

In order to change cursor style on drag, I am trying to detect drag on the vl-map component with pointerdrag event describe in vl-map component documentation (

I don't know if I am missing something but I can't detect pointerdrag event on vl-map whereas I can detect all of the other vl-map events (pointermove, moveend etc...).

This is how I am trying to do this :

Am I doing something wrong or the pointerdrag event on vl-map component doesn't work ?

Thank you very much,


ghettovoice commented 3 years ago

Hello @GaspardCothiasFaure , I have found a bug with rx observable setup. I'm going to fix it. Thanks for report!

ghettovoice commented 3 years ago

done. upgrade pls