ghewgill / puzzles

Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection
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File missing in Xcode 4.6.1 #1

Closed Talie closed 11 years ago

Talie commented 11 years ago

Tried to run the Puzzles.xcodeproj in Xcode 4.6.1 but it failed - missing file 'list.c'. Is the file required or is it indicating it doesn't work in this version of Xcode?

jamesh-kaiasm commented 11 years ago

(excuse me butting in: I didn't have anything to do with this port, but I know the original codebase well)

This is an artefact of the Simon's original build system: you have to run '' on the command-line first, in the top of the source tree. This auto-generates list.c from the selection of available puzzles (and also creates the makefiles for the standard command-line cross-platform builds). Once I'd run that I was able to build and run the puzzles from the Xcode project. I'm completely new to Xcode, so I don't know whether it could be made to run that automatically (e.g. if list.c didn't already exist).

ghewgill commented 11 years ago

Thanks James, that is of course the right answer here. I think what I'll do is add the autogenerated 'list.c' file to the repository, so all the pieces are in place. This is consistent with including things like the generated per-game icon files needed for the iOS build.

Talie commented 11 years ago

Thanks all, it's working.