ghewgill / puzzles

Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection
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Singles game bug on iphone #3

Open erdemtor opened 5 years ago

erdemtor commented 5 years ago

I cannot make a circle in the leftmost column in the singles game (12 tricky). This worked on Android phone but not iPhone.

DanielBernhard commented 4 years ago

There actually are simular bugs in other puzzles as well: Light, Tents, ... If too many columns need to display, the left most column(s) cannot be "right-clicked" (e.g. short click works, but long click doesn't)

NLZ commented 2 years ago

I think this "swipe from left to right to go back" feature should be disabled in all games because it prevents drag and long press for full sized puzzles in that area. No point applying this iOS accessibility feature where it's detrimental to the gameplay.