ghfields / rpooler

A guided installation script for zfs rpools
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Install openssh-server by default #31

Open ThomDietrich opened 5 years ago

ThomDietrich commented 5 years ago

Not sure about your intended use case but it might be reasonable to automatically or optionally install and activate an SSH server.

ghfields commented 5 years ago

My initial motivation of the whole disk how-to was to provide a streamline alternative to zfs ubuntu wiki, that seemed to loose focus on the zfs setup. SSH seemed like one of those extraneous steps not REALLY related to rpool creation that was easy enough for a knowledgeable person wanting this service to adlib.

But since this has been scripted, it is harder to go "off-script" and not doing this "optional step" could render a system inaccessible after reboot. So, it sounds like a good idea for the script.

However, this will be complicated when I wrap in native encryption. In order to have ssh start early enough to allow passphrase entry, some additional steps will need to be done. I'll need to do more searching into the best way to do this, but top google result makes it look possible.

While we are accommodating this service, please create additional issues for other services that need to be considered prior to dataset export and livecd reboot that would hinder access to system after initial reboot.

ThomDietrich commented 5 years ago

thanks for the extensive answer! I totally agree with you. We shouldn't strive to bloat your script. My experience with your script is very positiv, I was able to reach a 2-disk mirrored rpool for the system I was working on.

Maybe the SSH server could (for now) just be mentioned in the README as "suggested next steps". Other details I would mention more clearly:


ghfields commented 5 years ago

Notifications would be a good stopgap measure.

I was contemplating having a selection for the existing freeform (with defaults) entries and a guided (with explanations) option-by-option mode. I think this could go a long way to educating within the script.