ghidinelli / cfpayment

ColdFusion payment processing library makes plumbing e-commerce apps easy. Charging credit cards has never been easier. Inspired by Ruby's ActiveMerchant.
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Stripe addCreateManagedAccountData() has hardcoded account data #21

Closed ghidinelli closed 9 years ago

ghidinelli commented 9 years ago

marketplaceCreateConnectedAccount() calls the above method which has hardcoded test data and will not work in real scenarios:

<cfscript>["managed"] = true;["country"] = 'CA';["email"] = 'test#dateFormat(now(),"yyyymmdd")##timeFormat(now(),"HHmmss")#@test.tst';["default_currency"] = 'CAD';
    //These properties can be set when creating the account, and changed later if the account is managed, but are only relevant if the account has charges being made directly on it:
    //["statement_descriptor"] = '';
    //["business_name"] = '';
    //["support_phone"] = '';
ghidinelli commented 9 years ago

testMarketplaceCreateConnectedAccount needs to be updated to test passing in some data and verifying it's what we get back