ghidinelli / cfpayment

ColdFusion payment processing library makes plumbing e-commerce apps easy. Charging credit cards has never been easier. Inspired by Ruby's ActiveMerchant.
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Hardcoded path to gateway subdirectory makes extending gateways impossible #35

Closed ghidinelli closed 5 years ago

ghidinelli commented 6 years ago

The current gateway instantiation looks like:

<cfset variables.instance.gateway = createObject("component", "gateway.#lCase(variables.instance.config.path)#").init(config = variables.instance.config, service = this) />

There are circumstances where you want to extend a gateway to override a particular method, like perhaps for error messages or custom response additions, etc. We have a working build with this instead:

<cfset variables.instance.gateway = createObject("component", variables.instance.config.path).init(config = variables.instance.config, service = this) />

That allows configuration like (coldspring example):


stripe.stripe gateway.stripe.stripe ${STRIPE_LIVE_SECRET_KEY} ${STRIPE_LIVE_PUB_KEY} ${STRIPE_TEST_SECRET_KEY} ${STRIPE_TEST_PUB_KEY} 2 true

But gateway.stripe.stripe could also be model.payment.customstripe which defines an alternative response.