ghiscoding / Angular-Slickgrid

Angular-Slickgrid is a wrapper of the lightning fast & customizable SlickGrid datagrid, it also includes multiple Styling Themes
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Enable the data edit inside the newly introduced tree data grid #554

Closed mvgadagi closed 4 years ago

mvgadagi commented 4 years ago

I'm submitting a Feature request

Thanks for publishing the new feature for tree data as referred here

Motivation / Use Case

Feature request : Enabling the editor for the tree data rows

Expected Behavior

When users adds the configurations for the gridOptions with editable : true , the edit feature should be working for tree grid as well

Other Information

I just think it's quite possible as when we click on the cell we have the reference of __parentId & _treeLevel inside dataContext object

Kindly let me or guide so that I can contribute to this feature as well.

Regards, Mahesh

ghiscoding commented 4 years ago

I don't understand your question, Editors do work with Tree Data and I have a grid with Editors without any issues. I also don't understand what you mean with the __parentId and __treeLevel these are used internally

mvgadagi commented 4 years ago

Hello @ghiscoding , I wanted to implement edit for this grid

Like in the above demo , I want to make Size column as editable and as soon user double clicks on the cell it should allow me to edit ,

Please ignore the information regarding the parentId and treeLevel I wanted to provide some additional information

I had tried with

this.gridOptions = {
     asyncEditorLoading: true,
      autoEdit: true,
      editable: true

and added the column with

editor: { model: Editors.float}

But it's NOT showing me to edit the cell for size

ghiscoding commented 4 years ago

You're missing an important flag in your grid option enableCellNavigation: true,, SlickGrid doesn't work without this flag (I never understood why though).

This happens to me so often, I added a note in the Editors - Wiki to emphasize this flag, we often forget to add it. I never really understood why this flag must be enabled in SlickGrid but it is what it is


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