ghiscoding / Aurelia-Bootstrap-Plugins

Aurelia-Bootstrap-Plugins are Custom Elements to bridge with a set of 3rd party Bootstrap addons
MIT License
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Updated instructions on events hookup #25

Closed eramella closed 6 years ago

eramella commented 6 years ago

Hi Ghislain B., I know you feel the pickerChanged() example should suffice, but if a couple of additional lines of text would save time to someone else like me, I would feel better. So I am sending you this tiny PR, if you think it could be helpful you can accept it. If not, I understand and I am glad anyway that you worked on these useful plugins for all of us. Regards

ghiscoding commented 6 years ago

Yeah sure if you think this could help others. However can you do a slight change, can you replace all the double quotes with backtick, mainly on all 3 places where picker is mentioned. Using backtick will stand out as code with the backtick and I prefer that since it is related to code. I'll merge your PR after that, thanks again

eramella commented 6 years ago

Goo point, thank you. I did and also added the bindable expression in the viewmodel example, in order to have a complete working example.

ghiscoding commented 6 years ago

Awesome thanks :)