ghjansen / cas

Cellular Automata Simulator
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Research about SWING/AWT/Processing replacement #5

Open ghjansen opened 7 years ago

ghjansen commented 7 years ago

CAS is currently mixing SWING/AWT with 2 Processing applets, which doesn't seems really good.

SWING/AWT was used to avoid the time required to draw GUI control components using Processing, but the idea of having the entire GUI using Processing only is great! There are Processing GUI libraries out there like ControlP5 that require some investigation to conclude if their components support all CAS needs (window resizing, fullscreen, scrolls, buttons, fields, etc..).

The use of 2 Processing applets (one for the rule configuration and the other for the simulation view) seems to cause an excessive resource consumption that could be avoided by using a single Processing instance (with or without SWING/AWT). Also, it is important to use latest Processing. If the entire GUI could not be migrated to a single Processing instance somehow, then different technologies should be considered.

If no technology could be found to handle the job, maybe it should be considered to keep using SWING/AWT but along with JOGL.