ghokun / appletv3-iptv

M3U playlist player for Apple TV 3 devices.
MIT License
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would this still work on OS7.9? #9

Closed devalanche closed 2 months ago

devalanche commented 2 months ago

hi, got a raspberrypi 4 with pihole and unbound and an appletv 3 (1469) running os7.9.

before I give it a try I'd like to ask if anyone got it running on os7.9 yet or if Apple or closed the door with the latest versions

ghokun commented 2 months ago

I have not checked, but if the app is there. It should work.

devalanche commented 2 months ago

ok, actually trying this.

what I got so far:

what is missing: i guess the route from is not configured properly.

i get routed to the document-root of my pi what tells me the the dns record seems to work. but appletv seems not able to find the app yet.

Got a clue?

ghokun commented 2 months ago

Which DNS does your apple tv use? You may need to manually set it through network settings.

You can also visit that address from your browser, and should see XML files generated.

devalanche commented 2 months ago

thanks for your prompt answers, mate. i hope I don't bother you too much. just tell me, if so... np

dns in appletv settings is my rasppi:


when i use the browser for i get to the document root of my lighttpd server. I even placed the app there (/var/www/html) for testing. but i still get no xml content


devalanche commented 2 months ago

ok, i enabled the cgi for lighttpd and placed and started appletv3-iptv from /usr/lib/cgi-bin as written in the lighttpd docs.

now i can access the xml on

but now apple tv itself leads me to the true redbull content again when i open the redbull app lol... this bitch

Guess i have to forward the custom ports somehow

devalanche commented 2 months ago

just set pihole admin to 8080 so port 80 is free for iptv - works. Thanks so much, loving it ;)

ghokun commented 2 months ago

I am glad you were able to set it up. Enjoy it!