gholt / swauth

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Webadmin support for rehomed auth_prefix #63

Closed clayg closed 10 years ago

clayg commented 10 years ago

I think I'd like to have the swauth api homed at /swauth/ instead of /auth/ so it doesn't conflict with some other stuff I've got going. And that worked mostly fine using the auth_prefix setting in the proxy-server.conf's [filter:swauth] section, but broke webadmin.

Bit of sed and a reupload squared it for me, but it felt like a hack, and if I want to try and push any fixes upstream I'll have to carry this silly patch :cry: (I'm no css guru, but I wonder have you heard of the bootstrap?)

I thought of two ways that might be better and was wondering if you'd be interested in seeing either one of them.

  1. mv index.html index.html-template and have a swauth-webadmin install command that could read the config, fill in the blanks and upload the newly rendered webadmin resource(s).
  2. pop something into /info with register_swift_info that says the relative url of the swauth api end point and have index.html do an XHR as soon as it loads to fill in some global state?
gholt commented 10 years ago

Does 14121f16be3d8a0aba9f4daf855f3836a73e9fa7 work?

clayg commented 10 years ago

YES! much better :clap: