ghomasHudson / Jellyfin-Auto-Collections

Automatically make jellyfin collections from IMDB, Letterboxd lists and more.
MIT License
60 stars 9 forks source link

Dockerization and Enhancements #21

Closed mzrimsek closed 4 months ago

mzrimsek commented 4 months ago

This also has a Github actions workflow to build and push the Docker image to a Github container registry. It uses a Personal Access Token passed to the workflow as a secret configured in the repo.

The Personal Access Token can be generated here. It needs the following permissions

Then you need add a secret to the repo under "Secrets and Variables" > "Actions". Add Repository Secret called "REGISTRY_TOKEN" where the value is the Personal Access Token you just generated.

ghomasHudson commented 4 months ago

Thanks for all the work with this - looks really good, I'll test and merge this morning.

Also yeah, looks like the youtube channel which hosted the TCM intros has disappeared.

Long term, I'm going to work on forking a jellyfin version of Plex-Meta-Manager: