ghoneycutt / puppet-module-pam

Puppet module to manage PAM
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Add support for raspbian, using the same code as debian #151

Closed riconnon closed 6 years ago

riconnon commented 7 years ago

Since raspbian is, to all extents and purposes, the same as debian I'm using this module by additiona "Raspbian" to the same case in the lsbdistid switch.

ghoneycutt commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the contribution. Is your version of Raspian a clone of Debian 7 or 8?

ghoneycutt commented 7 years ago

@irconan I'm happy to do the other updates (metadata, README, spec tests) to support Raspbian, just need to know which version of Debian it is a clone of. Would also be helpful if you could post a gist of the output of facter.

Thank you!

Ascendings commented 7 years ago

Is there any update on this? I'd be happy to help out if something still needs done to get this merged in.

ghoneycutt commented 7 years ago

@Ascendings you could help by showing the output of facter on your raspbian system and let me know which version of Debian it is based on.


Ascendings commented 7 years ago

Here's what I have from one of my Pis running Raspbian. This is from Raspbian Stretch, but I can get you one for Jessie in an hour or so if you need it. I've also obscured some of the more sensitive info. I hope this helps!

architecture => armv7l
blockdevice_mmcblk0_size => 7948206080
blockdevices => mmcblk0
domain =>
facterversion => 2.4.6
filesystems => ext2,ext3,ext4,f2fs,msdos,vfat
fqdn =>
gid => domain users
hardwareisa => unknown
hardwaremodel => armv7l
hostname => myhost
id => myuser
interfaces => eth0,lo
ipaddress => x.x.x.x
ipaddress_eth0 => x.x.x.x
ipaddress_lo =>
is_virtual => false
kernel => Linux
kernelmajversion => 4.9
kernelrelease => 4.9.35-v7+
kernelversion => 4.9.35
lsbdistcodename => stretch
lsbdistdescription => Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.1 (stretch)
lsbdistid => Raspbian
lsbdistrelease => 9.1
lsbmajdistrelease => 9
lsbminordistrelease => 1
macaddress => xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
macaddress_eth0 => xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
memoryfree => 816.33 MB
memoryfree_mb => 816.33
memorysize => 923.36 MB
memorysize_mb => 923.36
mtu_eth0 => 1500
mtu_lo => 65536
netmask =>
netmask_eth0 =>
netmask_lo =>
network_eth0 => x.x.10.0
network_lo =>
operatingsystem => Debian
operatingsystemmajrelease => 9
operatingsystemrelease => 9.1
os => {"name"=>"Debian", "family"=>"Debian", "release"=>{"major"=>"9", "minor"=>"1", "full"=>"9.1"}, "lsb"=>{"distcodename"=>"stretch", "distid"=>"Raspbian", "distdescription"=>"Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.1 (stretch)", "distrelease"=>"9.1", "majdistrelease"=>"9", "minordistrelease"=>"1"}}
osfamily => Debian
partitions => {"mmcblk0p2"=>{"uuid"=>"202638e1-4ce4-45df-9a00-ad725c2537bb", "mount"=>"/", "filesystem"=>"ext4"}, "mmcblk0p1"=>{"mount"=>"/boot", "label"=>"boot", "filesystem"=>"msdos"}}
path => /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin
physicalprocessorcount => 1
processorcount => 3
processors => {"models"=>[nil, nil, nil], "count"=>3, "physicalcount"=>1}
ps => ps -ef
puppetversion => 4.8.2
rubyplatform => arm-linux-gnueabihf
rubysitedir => /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/2.3.0
rubyversion => 2.3.3
selinux => false
sshdsakey => some_hash_gibberish
sshecdsakey => some_hash_gibberish
sshed25519key => some_hash_gibberish
sshfp_dsa => SSHFP 2 1 some_hash_gibberish
SSHFP 2 2 some_hash_gibberish
sshfp_ecdsa => SSHFP 3 1 some_hash_gibberish
SSHFP 3 2 some_hash_gibberish
sshfp_ed25519 => SSHFP 4 1 some_hash_gibberish
SSHFP 4 2 some_hash_gibberish
sshfp_rsa => SSHFP 1 1 some_hash_gibberish
SSHFP 1 2 some_hash_gibberish
sshrsakey => some_hash_gibberish
swapfree => 100.00 MB
swapfree_mb => 100.00
swapsize => 100.00 MB
swapsize_mb => 100.00
system_uptime => {"seconds"=>420894, "hours"=>116, "days"=>4, "uptime"=>"4 days"}
timezone => EDT
uniqueid => 007f0100
uptime => 4 days
uptime_days => 4
uptime_hours => 116
uptime_seconds => 420894
virtual => physical
ghoneycutt commented 6 years ago

This should 'just work' in our upcoming version that supports Puppet 5 as it will be detected as a Debian system. You can preview this in the puppet5 branch.