Closed honeCoder closed 8 years ago
Have you tried to run the game with Maid Fiddler disabled first (e.g. renaming the plugin DLL to .dll.bak)? So far it seems that the assembly you are using is from CM3D2 1.32, while the newest game version is 1.36 (if I recall correctly).
Try to update CM3D2 again, disable Maid Fiddler and run the game. Then, please report if the problem still persists.
when I remove all the three dll and unityinjector file. the Game is working fine . If add the Maid fiddler dll , then Game Crashes
I forgot that Unity Engine error logs contain a stack trace of the time when the error occurred (silly me). Here's the stack trace (for future reference):
(0x75E77FF7) (GDI32): (filename not available): EnumFontFamiliesExW + 0x7
(0x66535BDC) (ntleai): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0
(0x66533529) (ntleai): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0
(0x7069137C) (gdiplus): (filename not available): GdiplusNotificationUnhook + 0xdbfc
(0x70691789) (gdiplus): (filename not available): GdiplusNotificationUnhook + 0xe009
(0x7067976E) (gdiplus): (filename not available): GdipGetLogFontW + 0x7e
(0x17E901FA) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Drawing.GDIPlus:GdipGetLogFont (intptr,intptr,object) + 0x42 (17E901B8 17E90232) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E8FDF5) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): System.Drawing.Font:ToLogFont (object,System.Drawing.Graphics) + 0xd5 (17E8FD20 17E8FF9A) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E8FB03) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): System.Drawing.Font:ToLogFont (object) + 0x11b (17E8F9E8 17E8FB5C) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E8F751) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): System.Drawing.Font:ToHfont () + 0xd1 (17E8F680 17E8F7DA) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E8F3BC) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Font:ToHfont () + 0x54 (17E8F368 17E8F3C5) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E8F25F) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): System.Windows.Forms.XplatUIWin32:GetFontMetrics (System.Drawing.Graphics,System.Drawing.Font,int&,int&) + 0x4f (17E8F210 17E8F2F9) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E8EE4F) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): System.Windows.Forms.XplatUI:GetFontMetrics (System.Drawing.Graphics,System.Drawing.Font,int&,int&) + 0x27 (17E8EE28 17E8EE54) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E8ED89) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): System.Windows.Forms.LineTag:set_Font (System.Drawing.Font) + 0x51 (17E8ED38 17E8ED99) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E8EC41) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): System.Windows.Forms.Line:.ctor (System.Windows.Forms.Document,int,string,System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment,System.Drawing.Font,System.Drawing.Color,System.Windows.Forms.LineEnding) + 0xd9 (17E8EB68 17E8EC6C) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E8E9BC) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): System.Windows.Forms.Document:Add (int,string,System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment,System.Drawing.Font,System.Drawing.Color,System.Windows.Forms.LineEnding) + 0x8c (17E8E930 17E8EAF7) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E8E91B) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): System.Windows.Forms.Document:Add (int,string,System.Drawing.Font,System.Drawing.Color,System.Windows.Forms.LineEnding) + 0x43 (17E8E8D8 17E8E920) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E8E348) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): System.Windows.Forms.Document:.ctor (System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase) + 0x1a0 (17E8E1A8 17E8E49D) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E8C55F) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase:.ctor () + 0x1b7 (17E8C3A8 17E8CB58) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E8BCAA) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): System.Windows.Forms.TextBox:.ctor () + 0x2a (17E8BC80 17E8C351) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E8BB4C) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Windows.Forms.TextBox:.ctor () + 0x2c (17E8BB20 17E8BB55) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E70F1B) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): CM3D2.MaidFiddler.Plugin.Gui.MaidFiddlerGUI:InitializeComponent () + 0x18b (17E70D90 17E86B70) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E6A5E0) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): CM3D2.MaidFiddler.Plugin.Gui.MaidFiddlerGUI:.ctor (CM3D2.MaidFiddler.Plugin.MaidFiddler) + 0x28 (17E6A5B8 17E6A93E) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E6A577) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) CM3D2.MaidFiddler.Plugin.Gui.MaidFiddlerGUI:.ctor (CM3D2.MaidFiddler.Plugin.MaidFiddler) + 0x2f (17E6A548 17E6A581) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x17E6A4CB) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): CM3D2.MaidFiddler.Plugin.MaidFiddler:LoadGUI () + 0x43 (17E6A488 17E6A524) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x0476F541) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) + 0x41 (0476F500 0476F595) [011F4E70 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x100F06DA) (mono): (filename not available): mono_set_defaults + 0x22cb
(0x1005D89E) (mono): (filename not available): mono_runtime_invoke + 0x51
(0x1005DCBA) (mono): (filename not available): mono_runtime_delegate_invoke + 0x44
(0x1007DBB4) (mono): (filename not available): mono_thread_interruption_request_flag + 0x440
(0x1010B7DA) (mono): (filename not available): unity_mono_method_is_generic + 0x3a4f
(0x772062C4) (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x24
(0x77680609) (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlSubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification + 0x439
(0x776805D4) (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlSubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification + 0x404
It seems you are probably missing the right font to run Maid Fiddler. Maid Fiddler uses MS Sans Serif font and Seoge UI in its GUI.
I think I might be able to fix the problem. Download Maid Fiddler Beta 0.10a and test if the game works now.
Also, make sure you actually have the two aforementioned fonts installed and that they are not corrupted.
I think it's working under 0.10a now... I had to use the shortcut from the HF patch once and then after that, I had to launch using CM3Dx86/64.exe directly
It seems it is working now.
If the same issue will re-appear, create a new issue.
I have updated the Reipatcher and unityInjector and the Game as given in the FAQ
when I start the game , then I reievice the popup saying that " I have a older version of the game which is 1.32 and the maid fiddler support 1.33 and higher "
then I press ok , after that game is crashing
Below is the logs generated after game crashed ? Please help