ghorsington / COM3D2.i18nEx

Internationalization plug-in for COM3D2 for speed and simplicity
MIT License
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TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'CsvSetTranslationPrevDelegate' #2

Closed illnyang closed 5 years ago

illnyang commented 5 years ago

This was done on a steam english release version 1330 with japanese dlcs manually copied over (this obviously produced some duplication warnings, which i did not include).

Would you consider including a version check in your plugin? I did not notice which version i was running on (turned out to be 1300), and the error is not very informative :) Unless you are well versed with .net programming and know what missing types could mean (missing references => wrong assembly versions => maybe im running an old build?).

[Info : i18nEx] Loading texture replacements for language "English" [Info : i18nEx] Loading UI translations for language "English" [Error : Unity Log] TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'CsvSetTranslationPrevDelegate'. Stack trace: COM3D2.i18nEx.Core.TranslationManagers.I2TranslationManager.LoadLanguage (System.String langName) COM3D2.i18nEx.Core.Core.InitializeTranslationManagers () COM3D2.i18nEx.Core.Core.Initialize (ILogger logger, System.String gameRoot) COM3D2.i18nEx.BepInEx.InternationalizationBepInEx.Awake () UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(Type) BepInEx.Bootstrap.Chainloader:Start() UnityEngine.Application:.cctor() I2.Loc.ResourceManager:get_pInstance() I2.Loc.ResourceManager:get_pInstance() I2.Loc.LocalizationManager:RegisterSourceInResources() I2.Loc.LocalizationManager:UpdateSources() I2.Loc.LocalizationManager:InitializeIfNeeded() I2.Loc.LocalizationManager:set_CurrentLanguage(String) Product:set_systemLanguage(Language) Product:Initialize(AFileSystemBase) GameUty:UpdateFileSystemPath() GameUty:Init() GameMain:OnInitialize() MonoSingleton1:Initialize(GameMain) MonoSingleton1:Awake()