ghost-discord / ghost

🤖 A modular, multi-feature Discord bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
23 stars 31 forks source link

Planned functionality / general discussion #19

Closed zzzowoey closed 3 years ago

zzzowoey commented 5 years ago

All items not checked off of this list are open for contribution - feel free to open a PR for any of them!







Done! #25



LeMikaelF commented 5 years ago

I'd like to work on the dictionary functionality. I don't want to step on anyone's toes, tell me if it's something you'd like.

zzzowoey commented 5 years ago

By all means. If something is on the list and not checked off, feel free to work on it.

LeMikaelF commented 5 years ago

Nice. I'm on it.

I looked into the Wikimedia API, which could be used to get Wiktionary content, but there's a lot of text. I think something minimalistic like Google's dictionary would be ideal; but they don't offer an API. There is an Oxford Dictionaries API, but it's only free up to 1000 requests a month.

I'll try and find a better one, but I might have to resort to trimming down Wiktionary articles.

zzzowoey commented 5 years ago

This might work. It's multilingual, too. Also, the Wiktionary API has a format parameter that should(?) strip away most of the text.

LeMikaelF commented 5 years ago

@cbryant02 Glosbe is only for translations. I managed to find something with definitions, but it looks like a good API for the future translation module.

LeMikaelF commented 5 years ago

Almost done with the translation module here. It looks like Glosbe is down today, so I wasn't able to test it. I have things to attend to this weekend, but everything should be ready and working within a few days.

LeMikaelF commented 5 years ago

It looks like Glosbe is broken forever, so I had to switch to another API (IBM Watson). It's going to require a key, but it's free up to 1 million characters (about 330 pages of text) per month. So it's coming, but I had delays.

urielsalis commented 4 years ago

I can work in the xkcd module if no one else is doing it :)

I assume its to get a random xkcd if there is no parameters, or get the image + subtext if you pass a specific one?

zzzowoey commented 4 years ago

Yup, you got it spot on. We've got both HTTPClient and Spring Web in the project dependencies, so you've got a choice between the two for your implementation.

mpardoen commented 4 years ago


I was thinking of adding the uptime while I get used to the code base and before going after a bigger feature. Any preference on the format? I guess the format in ms is not really readable from an end-user perspective.

zzzowoey commented 4 years ago

Days, hours, minutes would be most readable, I think.

urielsalis commented 4 years ago

Made 2 PRs, one with a general cleanup and another one with the module

Now working on isup :)

jordansprojects commented 4 years ago

Hey is it okay if I work on the 8Ball function? Thanks for this cool repository by the way, I am already learning a lot.

zzzowoey commented 4 years ago

Of course. Everything on the list that's not checked off is 100% open for contribution.

mpardoen commented 4 years ago

Hey, I'll start looking into the watch2gether integration feature.

zzzowoey commented 4 years ago

Sounds good. I looked into it recently and they have an API, but it doesn't appear capable of anything beyond generating embeds. Generating a room via a POST request, on the other hand, requires a token that I'm not sure how to obtain manually.

If you ultimately end up needing to add a browser automation framework, feel free to. We'll most likely end up using it for other functionality anyways.

mpardoen commented 4 years ago

According to several posts on the forum, they have more to their API but it's not documented/public yet. I requested an API token and information to continue.

mpardoen commented 4 years ago


I was thinking I'd start to work on the "Allow invoking help via mention" but I'm not completely sure what you mean by that. @cbryant02 Can you please give me some more information? Do you mean invoking the help module when mentionning/PMing the bot user?

zzzowoey commented 4 years ago

Yep. I think it should probably be expanded to "allow invoking commands via mention" in general, which is relatively simple with the way that CommandDispatcher works right now.

yashkhatri1 commented 4 years ago

hey can i work on restart (on hold, #21) seems to be empty

zzzowoey commented 4 years ago

Restart and update are delayed until we have a working GUI wrapper, which isn't going to be any time soon. The wrapper will be its own independent project.

In the meantime, there are still a few other modules left unchecked, and you can always come up with and work on your own ideas as much as you want.

zzzowoey commented 4 years ago

PSA: This repository has been transferred to its own open-source Github organization that I am now managing. Let me know if there are any permissions issues that need to be ironed out.

Please update your remotes to point to

DeRain14 commented 4 years ago

Hey can I work on some of the image manipulation commands? Although I've already started looking into it but can't seem to come to a conclusion on how ghost handles images exactly, specifically with regards to the command context, so any direction would be appreciated in that regard. @cbryant02

zzzowoey commented 4 years ago

Yeah, feel free to. Currently, CommandContext doesn't handle actual image attachments properly, so you'll have to add a field for Message#getAttachments. This should be pretty straightforward.

adam-poteralowicz commented 4 years ago

Hey, can I contribute the Urban Dictionary module?

zzzowoey commented 4 years ago

@adam-poteralowicz Sure thing! Just open a PR when you're done and I'll review it.

weakphish commented 4 years ago

hey - I'm looking to contribute a few things, look for a PR for eightball/deepfry soon :)

zzzowoey commented 4 years ago

@John123Allison Will keep an eye out, thanks!

weakphish commented 4 years ago

@cbryant02 Hi Cole, can you post / list a more detailed guide on building the bot? The documentation is a bit lacking and I'm having trouble testing my features. Thanks :)

zzzowoey commented 4 years ago

@John123Allison There's a lot of work to be done on the wiki, but here's a basic guide on configuring the bot.

Once you have that done, there's a Gradle task from the Spring Boot plugin called bootRun that will set up the database, build the project, and run it for you.

weakphish commented 4 years ago

Howdy - so, I have a working IntelliJ/Gradle build (after much dependency resolving...), but I can't figure out where it's spitting out a jar / how to actually run it - kind of embarrassing, but I don't have much experience with enterprise-esque Java, only Go. Any guidance would be appreciated.

zzzowoey commented 4 years ago

Is there an error you're getting in the console? bootRun should start the project. You don't need to deal with a jarfile unless you're building a release.

If you can't figure out where it is, there should be a Gradle tool panel on the right-hand side of the IDE with all the tasks. bootRun will be in the build category if I remember right.

weakphish commented 4 years ago

Cool, I have it running. Thanks.

weakphish commented 4 years ago

@cbryant02 Alright, I might be dumb but I have the bot running and online in a test server, but looking through the code and trying random stuff I can't figure out how to invoke commands...

zzzowoey commented 4 years ago

The bot's prefix is g! by default. If you're having trouble figuring out how the module declarations work, here's another wiki page for you.

You can also look at the other modules, of course. I can't really provide much more help without details, unfortunately.

weakphish commented 4 years ago

Thanks! The prefix is the part I couldn't figure out - I'd recommend putting that in the README for easy access.

The module I'm working on (fortune cookie) is almost done, PR coming soon 😄

bnbatchelor commented 4 years ago

@cbryant02 first timer here going to try and tackle the softban command if no one else is on it yet

zzzowoey commented 3 years ago

Important stuff below!

Just a heads up, I'm going to be renaming this the organization to ghost-discord. The two repos we have right now will also reflect this change. This WILL break your Git remotes! Please don't hate me too much.

I also want to avoid abusing the issue system for general discussion for the forseeable future. I'll recreate this issue with a clean slate, but any further discussion should be held in the new Discord, which you can join right here. There's also a README badge in release/1.2.