ghostery / ghostery-extension

Ghostery Browser Extension for Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge and Safari
Mozilla Public License 2.0
1.34k stars 140 forks source link

The list of exceptions on the Website does not refresh after adding a new one #1626

Closed GRadziejewski closed 3 weeks ago

GRadziejewski commented 3 weeks ago

Description The list of exceptions on Ghostery settings/ Website does not refresh after adding a new one. The user needs to restart the browser.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open any website, for example

  2. Open Ghostery panel on the detailed view

  3. Select any tracker, for example DoubleClick

  4. Click on "Blocked on all websites" and add as an exception image

  5. Open Ghostery settings on Websites image

  6. Restart the browser and open Ghostery settings / Websites image

Expected results: The list of exceptions on Ghostery settings/ Website must be refreshed after adding a new one.


Browser: Safari
OS: iOS 17.5.1
GBE 10.3.4