ghostery / ghostery-extension

Ghostery Browser Extension for Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge and Safari
Mozilla Public License 2.0
1.34k stars 140 forks source link

The Feedback button lead to the wrong webpage #1658

Closed GRadziejewski closed 2 weeks ago

GRadziejewski commented 2 weeks ago

Description The Feedback button from the Ghostery panel lead to the wrong webpage.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open Ghostery panel on the detailed view
  2. Click on the hamburger
  3. Click on "Send feedback" image
  4. New tab is open image

Expected results: The Feedback button from the Ghostery panel must lead to the feadback webpage.


Browser: Chrome 126.0.6478.57
OS: Windows 10
GBE 10.3.7

Browser: Safari 17.5
OS: macOS 14.5
GBE 10.3.7

Browser: Safari 17.5.1
OS: iOS 17.5.1
GBE 10.3.7
smalluban commented 2 weeks ago

It is not a bug on the extension side - You should only ensure if the target URL is as the issue/PR expected, and it should be I assume that we just have not yet deployed with the latest changes.

FYI: ;)