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Multiple live search issues (max 4 searches, nothing shows up, rate limit) #23

Open Polarvargen opened 4 years ago

Polarvargen commented 4 years ago


First of all thank you for a great tool. Started using it last league and with its help I reached the elusive Headhunter!

This league I've been having problems though. As it stand now I can only have 4 searches active at any one time. The first four in the list works, the rest just say "fetching". Every time I search I also get an error message from the site itself which says that the rate limit is exceeded.

Furthermore, for the searches that are in fact working, new items gives a ping when posted but they don't actually show up. Not even a "load more" button shows. I can however see which search had the latest message. I have to have another tab open and load a regular search there to see the actual listing.

ArkthuriuS commented 4 years ago

Posted same thing, started yesterday.

TheRauven commented 4 years ago

Having the exact same issue, 3 live searches work fine, 4 seems to work fine but it will gong and nothing shows on the list (as described on issue #12. 5+ live searches give 4 green, the rest red.


Also, don't know if it helps, when I have 4 live trades up and open the trade in another tab, I get an error:


acidh0uze97 commented 2 years ago

same, sm1 knows how to fix it?