ghostwords / chameleon

Browser fingerprinting protection for everybody.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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chameleon not working #21

Open ucnavryp opened 9 years ago

ucnavryp commented 9 years ago

Hello, chameleon(latest verison and old verisons) not working anymore, it is NOT BLOCKING ANYTHING


I am tested Google Chrome 42, Srware Iron 42, Google Chrome 28


ghostwords commented 9 years ago

Chameleon in the master branch no longer attempts to masquerade as Tor Browser, in preparation for #1. Note that Chameleon never did anything to hide your real IP address.

I'll keep this issue open until I update the README with current status.

ucnavryp commented 9 years ago

thanks for the reply, I know this but Chameleon not working

it is not blocking,ex: timezone, useragent, screen etc.etc..


ghostwords commented 9 years ago

That's what I meant when I wrote Chameleon no longer attempts to masquerade as Tor Browser.

In the future, Chameleon will do a combination of subtle randomization of properties (don't try to make Chrome look like Firefox, make more inconspicuous tweaks instead) and blocking known fingerprinters outright.

The README is out-of-date at this point, but the WARNING part very much applies still.

ucnavryp commented 9 years ago

randomization not working :/

ghostwords commented 9 years ago

Right, it's not implemented yet.

0xBRM commented 9 years ago

Well, then, unless you randomise those properties on a web request basis, youll be very unique for n minutes.

ghostwords commented 9 years ago

If you generate fifteen different fingerprints over fifteen browsing instances, you should be more private, right? You are making it harder for persistent tracking to occur. Tracking within a browsing instance (maybe a browser session, maybe a page load) seems less problematic than tracking over longer periods of time, across multiple devices (cross-device tracking protection needs more research).

0xBRM commented 9 years ago

If you're unique, you will still be trackable over a single browsing instance/session, which can still reveal quite a lot of information about your browsing habits. Hence what I said about generating fingerprints on a per tab basis, but common ones nonetheless. You can blend in, and randomise it simultaneously.

stteven commented 8 years ago

Hi, no news after several months, chameleon still doesn't work on last chrome version. Any eta about fix? Thanks

ghostwords commented 8 years ago

No ETA, sorry. There is much to do here yet, and I am interested in continuing; it's a matter of finding the time. Thanks for your interest!

chrcoluk commented 7 years ago

no new release at all in 2016, dead project sadly.

ghostwords commented 7 years ago

Hi @chrcoluk, please see

Atavic commented 7 years ago

If official google chrome is used, the User Agent simply cannot be hidden from fingerprinting.