ghostwords / chameleon

Browser fingerprinting protection for everybody.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
532 stars 61 forks source link

Eventually: Firefox version please #22

Open wolftune opened 8 years ago

wolftune commented 8 years ago

I understand this is early, but please (A) promote people to use this with Chromium vs Chrome (because: free/open software) and (B) release a version for Firefox. Thanks for this important work.

ghostwords commented 8 years ago

My reasons for starting with Chrome are that Chameleon has ways to go before it becomes something I can push to non-technical, non-researcher users, and that I'm much more familiar with Chrome extension development. Also, (eventually) building visualizations/a Web fingerprinting dashboard on is (mostly) browser independent. But yes, Firefox!

monperrus commented 8 years ago can be considered as an initial version for Firefox