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Simon Game Bugs #136

Open LANXIJIANG opened 6 months ago

LANXIJIANG commented 6 months ago

1.The guideline for this game is not detailed, player need to click any button to make game status as over, then press keys to start, but Shift & Control cannot restart the game 2.When button lighted up, user click on it, but still got status of Game Over 3.If the level is increase then the tones and click time of the button also increased. However tones & buttons are not work properly(For example, user achieve level 3, the game should be have 3 tones and click buttons 3 times, but most of time it just have not more than 2 sounds 4.It cannot work on other devices, such as mobile browser, when user open it on Safari browser there is no way to initialize the game 5.User have no option to exit the game(no exit button in game page), except click the browser back button.

截屏2024-01-14 04 21 54