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Self-hosting solution #103

Open lourot opened 5 years ago

lourot commented 5 years ago

There seems to be a demand for a script to be run by the user (with their own GitHub API key). This script would generate a static profile that the user would host themself. See

jayvdb commented 5 years ago

This would also be useful for orgs, to self host in the org space for all their contributors, perhaps with an option to filter to a subset of repos.

brillout commented 5 years ago

@jayvdb @xiegeo @clarkzjw @styfle

We are curious: Why you want a self hosted version?

styfle commented 5 years ago

If there is a self-host option, typically that means a few things:

  1. There is good documentation for how to build, run, and deploy the code
  2. Usually this means there's a Dockerfile and maybe even a built image on Docker Hub
  3. It makes it easy to fork the project if the authors are no longer maintaining it (in the future)
xiegeo commented 5 years ago

@brillout Because "We're overloaded at the moment and we can't handle any new profile request. " I don't have to request if I can spin my own.

m1guelpf commented 5 years ago

@brillout Also I could, for example, have this run in a CI and generate a static site with my contribs