ghusse / jQRangeSlider

A jquery UI range selection slider that supports dates
GNU General Public License v3.0
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jQRangeSlider always show the last date #176

Open irineuruiz opened 9 years ago

irineuruiz commented 9 years ago

I'm using jQRangeSlider, and everything works fine, except the fact that the last Date always appears in the range slider.

Follows the code generated in the browser, as you can see, appears the last date, in this case (24/07/2014) and this date are always visible in the browser :

                    var ontem = new Date();
                    var ontemValue = ontem.getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1; // 1 dia

                    var tresMeses = new Date();

                    var tresMesesValue = tresMeses.getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 20; // 20 dias

                    if ($("#slider") != null) {
                            bounds: { min: tresMeses, max: ontem },
                            //step: { days: 1 },
                            defaultValues: { min: tresMeses, max: ontem },
                            formatter: function (val) {
                                var days = val.getDate(),
                                month = val.getMonth() + 1,
                                year = val.getFullYear();
                                if (("" + days).length == 1) days = "0" + days;
                                if (("" + month).length == 1) month = "0" + month;
                                return days + "/" + month + "/" + year;

                        $("#slider").on("valuesChanged", function (e, data) {
                            console.log("Something moved. min: " + data.values.min + " max: " + data.values.max);
                            angular.element(document.getElementById('controles')).scope().setJQRange(0, data.values.min, data.values.max); //0 -> $parent.$index


ghusse commented 9 years ago

Can you create a live example with jsfiddle? You can use this one as a starting point