gi-kent-content / hca-tuatara

A little python-based web site for helping the wranglers and others track incoming single cell projects as they are brought into HCA. The Tuatara has an extra eye which comes in handy in this project.
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New user accounts and reset password? #23

Closed mshadbolt closed 4 years ago

mshadbolt commented 4 years ago

We set up user accounts at the recent broad F2F but I can no longer login with the credentials I thought we had set up. username was marion. Not sure if user accounts were lost when moving to the new web address or I recorded my password wrong. It may be good to implement some kind of basic 'forgot password' functionality though. In the meantime if my password could be reset or account regenerated that would be grand.

We also have two new starters, @javfg and @rays22, so it would be great if they could also be set up with accounts

mshadbolt commented 4 years ago

further clarification: I can login to the previous website but not the new one

Not sure if the new one is an exact replica or if updates will only show at the new address from here on in?

lauraclarke commented 4 years ago

Can I get a user account too?

ESapenaVentura commented 4 years ago

+1 please

zperova commented 4 years ago

I can not access with the credentials I have been given at the F2F. My usename is zina

claymfischer commented 4 years ago

I have our engineer looking into this, but I am happy to setup a time at 4pm BST / 8 AM PST to reset these. Does tomorrow (Friday) at 8am work for anyone?

galt commented 4 years ago

port 8124 is Jim Kent's testing instance. Why were credentials for the user created there? I certainly have NOT been syncing anything in the db between jim's test instance and the new production instance. That was never in the plan. (FYI port 8123 was the old production instance, now defunct and we will not re-use that port number)

galt commented 4 years ago

It looks like these users were incorrectly registered under jim's 8124 test instance and not on the old production 8123.

Thus they do not appear in hcat db but rather jim's testing db:

MariaDB [hcat]> select id, first_name, last_name, email, is_staff, is_active from kentDjangoTest5.auth_user; +----+-------------+----------------+--------------------------+----------+-----------+ | id | first_name | last_name | email | is_staff | is_active | +----+-------------+----------------+--------------------------+----------+-----------+ [... existing stuff not shown] | 13 | Zina | Perova | | 1 | 1 | | 14 | Marion | | | 1 | 1 | | 15 | Enrique | Sapena Ventura | | 1 | 1 | | 16 | Oihane | | | 1 | 1 | | 17 | Jenny | Chien | | 1 | 1 | | 18 | Jennifer | Zamanian | | 1 | 1 | | 19 | | | | 1 | 1 | +----+-------------+----------------+--------------------------+----------+-----------+

claymfischer commented 4 years ago

We set up a handful of EBI users to test Tuatara and give user feedback suggestions during a breakout session at our recent DCP meeting. It was understood that we were interacting with a development environment and things could be wiped out at any time, with a production instance going live at later on. I'll setup video conferences to get everyone established on the production instance.

mshadbolt commented 4 years ago

@claymfischer I am not available today at 4pm, next Tues/Wed at the same time would work for me.

lauraclarke commented 4 years ago

@claymfischer if the accounts could be setup and passwords emailed to us for everyone who already had an account and then myself, Ray and Javier that would be great

I am aware that we all have limited time between now and Christmas so if people can get the accounts before then it would be great


claymfischer commented 4 years ago

@mshadbolt let's meet Tuesday at 4pm BST and I can tell you the password there, and you can distribute to the group.

mshadbolt commented 4 years ago

@claymfischer sounds good, speak to you tomorrow

zperova commented 4 years ago

thanks @mshadbolt and @claymfischer

ESapenaVentura commented 4 years ago


claymfischer commented 4 years ago

Wonderful chat with @mshadbolt, set up passwords for the users gabs, laura, zina, enrique, javier, ray. Usernames are lowercase. Marion has the password.

We will be extending accounts to the rest of the group once we get some real data into it (Jason's team, Ambrose, Parth, etc).

mshadbolt commented 4 years ago

Thanks @claymfischer

I will reopen the issue if we encounter any problems.