giabaio / BCEA

Bayesian Cost Effectiveness Analysis. Given the results of a Bayesian model (possibly based on MCMC) in the form of simulations from the posterior distributions of suitable variables of costs and clinical benefits for two or more interventions, produces a health economic evaluation. Compares one of the interventions (the "reference") to the others ("comparators"). Produces many summary and plots to analyse the results
GNU General Public License v3.0
40 stars 16 forks source link

{pkgdown} website #7

Open seabbs opened 4 years ago

seabbs commented 4 years ago

Personally I really like using html websites to navigate through package documentation. It can also be a great way of centralising all of the resources for your package.

The {pkgdown} package makes constructing these very easy with the sites then being able to be hosted on GitHub pages. It can be nice to have the package built externally (i.e on Travis) so that it updates without package author interventions

Happy to help with this if interested.

Linked to #6

giabaio commented 4 years ago

I think you're tackling two issues here. Firstly, I've not got time to work on the html version of the documentation --- partly because a lot more details are both in my website and in our books (mainly this one).

The second one I think is about integration with Travis. I have this --- but the problem is that in the past, Travis wasn't very responsive at allowing to install external packages (eg INLA) and so I got a bit bored with it... That's not ideal and I should have taken the time to fix that --- but I didn't have the time... :-(

So: anyway, both of these could be "fixed" and I would certainly be interested in collaborating on this!

seabbs commented 4 years ago

Great. I totally understand the time issue.

I am happy to set up the docs and provide hosting details (some switches in GitHub that only you can switch). I will take a look at Travis separately as you are right they are really different issues!

Happy with a pull request?

giabaio commented 4 years ago

Sure! Looking forward to it! (see my comment to #18 too!)

n8thangreen commented 1 year ago

closed 78b6c0a1e2a8ead3ef3a63ea6e059ed83e4be623