giacomelli / GeneticSharp

GeneticSharp is a fast, extensible, multi-platform and multithreading C# Genetic Algorithm library that simplifies the development of applications using Genetic Algorithms (GAs).
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New Sudoku extension and GTK# sample #43

Closed jsboige closed 5 years ago

jsboige commented 5 years ago

I propose the addition of a Sudoku solver as a new set of classes in the Extensions project, and the corresponding sample in the GTK App. This was made as part of a course I teach where GeneticSharp is used for GAs. Sudoku is arguably a good example, because it is relatively hard to solve with GAs whereas it is much more tractable with other tools. See for instance those LINQ examples with Microsoft's Z3 solver or a dedicated constraint based solver. The extensions material include:

The GTK sample includes:

jsboige commented 5 years ago

As per your comment in the other current pull request, I added some code coverage demonstrating using the various strategies. In order to keep the test fast, I only tested for complete resolution with the fastest strategy.

jsboige commented 5 years ago

OK I hope the coverage has got satisfying without taking too much time.

Now I have remarks and questions:

Sudoku has got many local maxima, which makes it hard for GAs, and I believe a good test for your library. Looking at existing documented implementations, it seems most have gone with a simple 1 cell = 1 gene implementation, and they would usually acknowledge the local maximum issue.

In order to get comparison material, I included in the default GTK sample the 2 sudokus documented on this page (easy) and that one (medium), in addition to one easier and one harder than those two.

Using a relatively efficient Permutation based chromosome, I am pleased that all Sudokus seem to be tractable with the current implementation. The "easy" one requires approximately 10 secs, which is satisfying as compared to the 15 minutes mentioned in the article.

However, I figured the only efficient way I found to escape local maxima was to increase the GA's population depending on the Sudoku's difficulty, and that both with the permutation and the more naive cell-based strategies. Basically, if the Sudoku wasn't solved by the 50th generation, there would be nearly no chances the GA escapes its sub-optimal solution in any other number of generations. The corresponding settings would pretty much guaranty finding a solution :

One could argue that the default settings with Elite Selection and reinsertion is responsible for that, but I tried hard to play with all parameters and could not find any better setup. In particular, setting the crossover probability to one to discard parents would yield getting stuck on lower quality local maxima.

Then I introduced 2 alternatives:

Those strategies were somehow partially successful at trading population size for generation numbers, playing with the GA settings but I feel this is not quite satisfying, since in all other implementations I have seen, the population size is vastly smaller than ours.

So here goes my questions:

giacomelli commented 5 years ago

Thanks for this pull-request, it will be amazing to have a Sudoku sample using GeneticSharp. I'm glad to hear that you use the library on your course. Is this course an online one?

Your Multiple Chromosome and Random permutations are strong candidates to be moved from Extensions to GeneticSharp core in the future.

About your questions:

I will need to take some time to study your implementation and try some configurations.

As your pull-request is quite large, I will need several days of my spare time to review and test it, but no worry I'will review it as soon as possible.

jsboige commented 5 years ago

Thanks for you prompt answer.

Is this course an online one?

It is a regular course in AI I teach in several French engineering school. An earlier version used to be online, but it is now mainly contained in the various LMS for those schools. Hopefully I can wrap it up again online some time next year.

By the way, I have other samples I would gladly propose as pull requests, but I thought this one was the easier pick to get started. Another one is a bit similar to that project and I reckon it does a better job at demonstrating GAs for image processing than the existing bitmap equality sample. The only thing is I relied on the Accord.Net Framework's image filtering capabilities, through the corresponding Nuget package. That helped keeping the chromosome and fitness very simple, yet since it's a significant additional dependency, I thought you could tell me how best to proceed.

Anyway, I suppose we can discuss that once the Sudoku's sample is properly integrated.

Your Multiple Chromosome and Random permutations are strong candidates to be moved from Extensions to GeneticSharp core in the future.

Well I'll gladly help with that. They are still pretty experimental for now, but they serve a purpose that can be extended to other cases indeed.

I will need to take some time to study your implementation and try some configurations. As your pull-request is quite large, I will need several days of my spare time to review and test it, but no worry I will review it as soon as possible.

Sure, thanks for having a look. Looking forward to learning how best to use your library.

jsboige commented 5 years ago

Hmmm, not sure what to think about the last continous-integration test fail.

Well it's not my code for sure, but as I realized myself, one should be careful with putting hard limits on unit tests, especially on time measurements, considering you don't really know what's going to happen on the continous-integration VM.

Also, for precise time measurements, one should use a stopwatch, so if you don't mind, I'll commit a change to account for that.

jsboige commented 5 years ago

OK I think I covered all your requests.

jsboige commented 5 years ago

I did not find any change about this one. Let me know if I miss something.

This is the option that was implemented:

In a help button on GTK sample

Ok now your turn! Note that considering the level of scrutiny of your review and your tools', my expectations are pretty high...

jsboige commented 5 years ago

Here you go !

giacomelli commented 5 years ago

You still need to improve the code coverage of SudokuBoard (most of them in ToString method) and there is another issue at MultipleFitness.

jsboige commented 5 years ago

OK I updated MultipleFitness, but the other issue seem like a bug in Sonarcloud: it points at the exact same lines as before I did actually provide coverage for all of them (Exception in ctor, SetCell, ToString & ParseFile): look for yourself: the file is 5 lines longer and the lines are out of sync now in Sonarcloud now: it even asks to cover comments for the ParseFile method, which does not make any sense.

giacomelli commented 5 years ago

Ok, thanks. I will merge it do develop now.

I will create ASAP a release branch to release it to master.

jsboige commented 5 years ago

OK Cool.

Now her are additional thoughts to help with your investigation:

giacomelli commented 5 years ago

Please, start a new question issue referencing this pull-quest, adding your original questions and those additional thoughts above.

I'll give some attention to this issue in the next weekends.


jsboige commented 5 years ago

Please, start a new question issue referencing this pull-quest, adding your original questions and those additional thoughts above.
