The fuse stack provides a general architecture for performing sensor fusion live on a robot. Some possible applications include state estimation, localization, mapping, and calibration.
[x] porting of all the 3d functions in sensor_proc
absolute pose cost function with analytical derivatives
relative pose cost function with analytical derivatives
remove cov_geometry dep from relative pose
[x] odometry3d publisher
[x] missing predict_to_current_time since we did not implemented the jacobian in unicycle 3d predict
[x] check how to correctly publish covariances in relation to selected measurement indices
[x] odometry3d:
[x] process of differential measurements does not take into account the translational part of the constraint, but only the rotational part (works fine, but the difference between the 2 poses is just really small AND the parameter differential in fuse has a different meaning from the one in RL)
[x] add compatibility with position and orientation indexes selection
Implement 3D sensors and motion models plugins
motion models
sensor models