gianluccacolangelo / AutoFlashcards

Give me your highlighted book before you go to bed, and you'll have fresh, finely processed flashcards by the morning
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Link backwards to the highlighted text #1

Closed gianluccacolangelo closed 4 months ago

gianluccacolangelo commented 4 months ago

It's great to have all your highlights in context and precise flashcards that make you recall the fundamentals of it. But when you are doing anki, and maybe you forget the big picture or the context of the card, it can be great to have a direct link from anki to the highlighted text in the book.

So that could be added to the class FlashcardOutputHandler, so when it creates a flashcards, already put a link to the highlighted page in the book. I don't know exactly how to do that link yet, maybe with http.

gianluccacolangelo commented 4 months ago

Implemented in commit 19c23001f1859605d5d0df94c5692e7b6f4d44eb