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Docs: CartButtonComponent #12

Open Markus-MfN opened 5 years ago

Markus-MfN commented 5 years ago

Related page: CartButtonComponent

It would be nice to have a button "Go to cash desk" ("Zur Kasse gehen"), which redirects to the cart and is only visible if there is already something in the cart.

It is not obvious for everybody to click on the cart button to start the checkout process. I first thought about modifying the cart button, but didn't go that way because it is also visible if the cart is empty.

douglasward commented 5 years ago

@maxseeger would need to take over to see if we can develop this.

Otherwise I would suggest writing a simple js function to check the cart items array in localStorage and use that to hide a "Zur Kasse gehen" button or the cart component button.

maxseeger commented 5 years ago

Hallo @Markus-MfN Vielen Dank für die Anregung. Wir nehmen die Idee gerne mit in die langfristige Weiterentwicklung auf. Für den Anfang müsstet ihr mit der von Douglas vorgeschlagenen Lösung arbeiten.

maxseeger commented 5 years ago

Hallo @Markus-MfN, konntest du mit der vorgeschlagenen Lösung voran kommen?