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Docs: UserNewPasswordComponent #6

Closed Markus-MfN closed 5 years ago

Markus-MfN commented 5 years ago

Related page: UserNewPasswordComponent

Is this the component for password reset?

I added a page with only this component. I go to the login form and send an "forgot passwort" email. Clicking on the password reset link in the emails takes me to the added page with the UserNewPasswordComponent. I fill in a new passwort and press submit. It says "User not found" ("Benutzer nicht gefunden").

douglasward commented 5 years ago

Hi @Markus-MfN, this error message is displayed when the user tries to reset is password when he is not logged in. After the redirect from the password reset link in the email, the user is automatically logged in so he can then update his password.

Did you change the URL to localhost or something after the redirect? Or did you do something to destroy the user session?

I tried to reproduce it on your test site to try and help you further, but I can't seem to find the path to your registration/login page.

douglasward commented 5 years ago

I have now found the user page and have tested.

The auth parameters were being added to the wrong place in the URL. I have fixed it for now by adding #/ to the end of the password reset link in go\~mus. A future go~mus update will fix this properly.

Please close if you can confirm that it is now working as expected.

Markus-MfN commented 5 years ago

Still says "Benutzer nicht gefunden". Did you fix it in the staging instance?

douglasward commented 5 years ago

Yes, I fixed it in the staging instance. You will need to generate a new password reset link.

Markus-MfN commented 5 years ago

I did. Still get the error message.

douglasward commented 5 years ago

Looks like you accidentally removed the change in the shop config. I have added it again now.

Please refresh your config page if you are in edit mode before saving again.

Markus-MfN commented 5 years ago

Oh, sorry. It's working now, thanks.