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Docs: UserPasswordResetComponent #7

Closed Markus-MfN closed 5 years ago

Markus-MfN commented 5 years ago

Related page: UserPasswordResetComponent

Is there a way to show a message to the user saying that an email has been sent and he should click on the link to reset his password?

douglasward commented 5 years ago

You can use the password_reset_url property in the actions object to define a redirect url after a successful form submission. This can be used to display a message to the user.

Please close if this answers your question.

Markus-MfN commented 5 years ago

Like this?



Does not work. I'm redirected to <shop test url>.

douglasward commented 5 years ago

no, there can only be one top level options object. So like this:

 <go-user-login options='{"action": {"mode": "url", "login_url": "<redirect to after login>", "password_reset_url": "<redirect to after password reset request>"}}'></go-user-login>
Markus-MfN commented 5 years ago

Thanks, working now.