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Improved Storage Accounts security on CAPZ MCs - Loki #3391

Open T-Kukawka opened 5 months ago

T-Kukawka commented 5 months ago

User Story

As a customer i would like to have the Storage Accounts deployed by Loki on MCs that adhere to the Microsoft Azure Defender recommendations such as:

Important note: Taking into account the technical details and the changes to Storage Class, for the changes to be applied, the existing Storage Accounts will have to be recreated, hence data will be lost.

Technical details for CAPZ in general

The storage accounts are created by azurefile-csi-driver, the default application deployed on CAPZ WC, as soon as an azurefile PVC is created.

Upstream controller is responsible for creating the storage account when an AzureFile PVC is created. The options that are sent to azure API are defined here:

Storage accounts should prevent shared key access

The upstream code does not allow configuring this option. However while testing this out, we have found that if we configure the other two options correctly, this point is also covered as per result of the Microsoft Defender scanning results.

Storage account should use a private link connection

This seems to be configurable using the networkEndpointType parameter in the storage account.

Here is the documentation about that field:

specify network endpoint type for the storage account created by driver. If privateEndpoint is specified, a private endpoint will be created for the storage account. For other cases, a service endpoint will be created by default.

Storage accounts should restrict network access using virtual network rules

when networkEndpointType is set to privateEndpoint then the storage account gets automatically restricted.

Tested Storage Class that satisfies all the criteria with Microsoft Defender

allowVolumeExpansion: true
kind: StorageClass
  name: af-standard-private
- dir_mode=0755
- file_mode=0755
- uid=1000
- gid=1000
  skuName: Standard_LRS
  networkEndpointType: "privateEndpoint"
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate

Acceptance Criteria

Implementation details

Rotfuks commented 5 months ago

Things to find out from our side:

-> Let's check with Phoenix -> Dominiks Job