giastantino / repository

Repo for my personal website
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Please replace Google analytics ID #1

Open deepwilson opened 2 years ago

deepwilson commented 2 years ago

I see that you have forked this repo from my profile. However, you have not replaced the Google Analytics ID because of which I am getting incorrect analytics details for my dashboard.

Please could you ensure to replace it?



giastantino commented 2 years ago

Hi, sure think. I thought I already did that, but I might have messed up something.

I edited ID in _config.yml


Is there anything more that I need to edit? I don't want to make mess on your dashboard.

P.S. I forgot to add you to credits on my page... I will fix that too!

deepwilson commented 2 years ago

Sure, will monitor my dashboard and get back to you! Thanks!

deepwilson commented 1 year ago

Hi there, Looks like the issue still persists and honestly I am not able to figure out why this is happening :( Please could you check your google analytics page and check if it is the same for you(Google showing my web page details also)? @Outsiders17711 Any suggestions my friend on how to tackle this issue?

Outsiders17711 commented 1 year ago

Hello @deepwilson / @giastantino,

Looking at my repository, I had to make three changes to make Google Analytics work:

  1. Add the analytics ID to _config.yml
  2. Include a Google Analytics script in _includes/head.html
  3. Added google1b2c24a80d5a3140.html to main for verification.

@giastantino, you still have my google1b2c24a80d5a3140.html verfication file in you main. You need to delete that. Same with you @deepwilson. @giastantino, you need to replace @deepwilson's analytics ID in line 33 and 39 of your _includes/head.html with your analytics ID. Not just in _config.yml. I believe both steps should fix the issue (especially the second).

I also added a meta to verify my site for google search in line 43 of _includes/head.html. You guys both have the same meta content as mine. You need to delete that too.

Cheers guys!

giastantino commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the solution @Outsiders17711. Gonna fix the issue today or tomorrow, sorry for inconvienience @deepwilson. This website project is kinda frozen for me.

deepwilson commented 1 year ago

@Outsiders17711 any progress?

Outsiders17711 commented 1 year ago

@deepwilson, I'm not sure what you're referring to.

deepwilson commented 1 year ago

sorry my dear friend @Outsiders17711 ! I was asking @giastantino if they had the opportunity to make the correction as per your suggestions. Put your id by mistake!

Outsiders17711 commented 1 year ago

Alright @deepwilson. No worries. Cheers.

deepwilson commented 1 year ago

@giastantino there?