gibaBR / Switch-Backup-Manager

Complete Switch Backups management tool
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Base Game Content Type is Replaced With DLC when multiple files in the CNMT XML #180

Open willthiswork89 opened 1 year ago

willthiswork89 commented 1 year ago

Just as title says, if there are multiple nacpXML one is the base game and then included in base game are multiple DLCs. The game is treated as a DLC as its likely the last thing written and content type is constantly updated through the update loop. We may want to consider checking if a base game CNMT was found, and if so then NOT updating content type so that normal tracking and parsing behavior can be ran.

gibaBR commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting. It's been a long time since the project's last update, and I have not had time to work with it. If somebody can contribute with the code, it would be great!

willthiswork89 commented 1 year ago

Im happy to help, i just need to know direction. If there is a base game with 5 DLC, do you want to report only when Base game is found or how would you like the functionality to behave?