gibaBR / Switch-Backup-Manager

Complete Switch Backups management tool
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[REQUEST] Install NSP files directly to microSD #68

Closed cattivik66 closed 5 years ago

cattivik66 commented 5 years ago

Hi! I think that it would be nice to be possible to install nsp files directly to the microSD. This becouse:

I'm not 100% sure if that would be possible, but I was thinking at this workflow:

  1. check if the space is enought. If the NSP is a patch, and in the microSD there is already a patch, the software should check the size of the old patch as it would be removed before proceed. If the space is not enough show a warning.
  2. make a procedure that unpacks the NSP to separated files in a temp folder. This step would be required to be sure that the NSP does not have corrupted data. User should be able to choise a temp folder (or perhaps also just use the memory if enough to make everything faster?)
  3. install them to the microSD. Also, if the NSP is a patch, check first for patches already installed and remove them to save some space.
  4. at this point I think that the Switch would not accept the installed files on the microsd (or am I wrong?). If so, the software could create a new tiny nsp with only the few missing things required by tinfoil to register the software. I think it would be a very small nsp.
  5. Finally, make the final step of registering the NSP files created at step 3.

This also opens to new future improvements, like bulk installation (user choises the nsp to install, and when he finishes he confirms the installation and the list of NSP).

gibaBR commented 5 years ago

Sorry @cattivik66, it can`t be done, as explained by @ericjwg