gibaBR / Switch-Backup-Manager

Complete Switch Backups management tool
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Cant Open SBM on version 1.1.9 (Internal) #75

Closed gibaBR closed 5 years ago

gibaBR commented 5 years ago

@garoxas There is something wrong. The program is not openning.


garoxas commented 5 years ago

FrmMain.UpdateTitleVersionList() is taking too long to process all the data I'm gonna move it to background worker and see if that fixes it. sorry, I only have few NSPs so I didn't test it thoroughly

garoxas commented 5 years ago

can you try this #76

do you have function to update the xml without saving every time? as you can see in FrmMain.backgroundWorkerUpdateVersionList_DoWork I'm doing lots of Util.UpdateXMLFromFileData call and I believe that flush the changes to the disk every single time, so that's why it's slow if you have better alternative, please feel free to modify the code thank you

garoxas commented 5 years ago


here's my new PR. please check and let me know if there's any issue already tried with your XML files and I have no issue with that