gibaBR / Switch-Backup-Manager

Complete Switch Backups management tool
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Auto Rename error message #90

Open bmn001 opened 5 years ago

bmn001 commented 5 years ago

Auto rename sometimes works, but most of the time does not.

Here is an example of the log when it works:

2018-11-18 06:54:48.935 [INFO]    Starting autorename eshop files.
2018-11-18 06:54:49.025 [INFO]    Old name: Super Mario Odyssey - update.nsp. New name: SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY () (4.1.0).nsp
2018-11-18 06:54:49.059 [DEBUG]   searching for 0100000000010800 on database.
2018-11-18 06:54:49.068 [DEBUG]   0100000000010800 not found on database. Adding...
2018-11-18 06:54:49.077 [DEBUG]   Adding element...
2018-11-18 06:54:49.085 [DEBUG]   Saving xml SBM_NSP_Local.xml
2018-11-18 06:54:49.102 [DEBUG]   xml saved...
2018-11-18 06:54:49.132 [INFO]    Finished autorename eshop files.

And here is an example of when it fails:

2018-11-18 06:55:04.626 [INFO]    Starting autorename eshop files.
2018-11-18 06:55:04.636 [INFO]    Old name: hollow.nsp. New name: Hollow Knight () (5.0.2).nsp
2018-11-18 06:55:04.802 [ERROR]   Failed to rename file.
   at Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.CopyOrMoveFile(CopyOrMove operation, String sourceFileName, String destinationFileName, Boolean overwrite, UIOptionInternal showUI, UICancelOption onUserCancel)
   at Switch_Backup_Manager.Util.AutoRenameXCIFile(FileData file)
2018-11-18 06:55:04.821 [INFO]    Finished autorename eshop files.

Either way, the "Done" message will pop up.