gibbed / Gibbed.Borderlands2

Tools & code for use with Borderlands 2.
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Tiny Tina items not loading on switch. #149

Open BraveNZ opened 4 years ago

BraveNZ commented 4 years ago


Some Tiny Tiny items are not loading into the game on Switch. Some i have tested are the blockade shield and dragons keep alignment class mods, chaotic evil etc. They will also not load back into gibbed from a Switch save. It is not all tiny tina items as the guns seem to work fine.

Thanks Brave

gibbed commented 4 years ago

If you could provide me with a save with any of these items working I could check into why it might not be working.

BraveNZ commented 4 years ago

This file should contain the blockade and some alignment mods but receives an error stating some items wont load upon loading in gibbed.


xcier commented 4 years ago

i've heard a lot of people are having this issue btw you're not alone

Keukotis commented 3 years ago

I'll add in another confirmation that while Tiny Tina weapons do work fine, the other equipment does not. The attached save has an Antagonist shield in it, but this shield will not load. Attempting to load the save gives this error:

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: invalid asset index 7 in sublibrary GD_Aster_EllieDressData at Gibbed.Borderlands2.GameInfo.AssetSublibraryDefinition.GetAsset(Int32 index) at Gibbed.Borderlands2.FileFormats.Items.BaseItem.Unpack(PackedItem packed, Platform platform) at Gibbed.Borderlands2.FileFormats.Items.PackedDataHelper`2.Decode(Byte[] data, Platform platform) at Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.BackpackViewModel.ImportData(WillowTwoPlayerSaveGame saveGame, Platform platform)

Edit: To clarify, attempting to create these items in Gibbed Editor or copying them from my existing Borderlands 2 PC save causes them to be deleted upon loading them in the Switch game. Legitimately acquiring these items in the Switch version and then attempting to load the Switch save in Gibbed Editor is what is causing this error. It appears that these items are being stored differently in the Switch version vs. the PC version.