gicait / PyAEZ

PyAEZ is a python package consisted of many algorithms related to Agro-ecalogical zoning (AEZ) framework.
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climate suitability calculation #131

Open WeirdCxychen opened 2 months ago

WeirdCxychen commented 2 months ago


After I calculated the potential yield by NB2, the fc1 and fc2 have been given corspoundingly. Could I use the 2 variables to get the suitable planting area by classifying them in 3 classes (optimum threshold, sub-optimum threshold, not suitable threshold), then use the intersection to get the final suitability evaluation? Beyond that, I'm confused about how to decide between Type A and Type B constraint functions for calculating and classifying the suitable planting area. Or the meaning of the constraint function of Type A & B. My purpose is to get the suitability evaluation classified as optimum, sub-optimum, not suitable, can I use the fc1 and fc2 to get it?


Regards, XinyueC

NokuzaSezo97 commented 2 months ago

Hi @WeirdCxychen,

This type A and type B constraint are concepts under the temperature profile constraint calculation. In PyAEZ, if you activate to proceed temperature profile screening, this two constraint types are considered during thermal screening routines.

Note that fc1 factor is the finalized results by selecting the most limiting value amongst the contribution of the listed thermal screening procedures (thermal climate, permafrost condition, TSUM, and temperature profile screening IF you activate these thermal screening procedures) while fc2 factor is obtained from crop water requirement calculation only for rainfed condition.

Even though fc1 and fc2 factors are evaluated for every possible cycles in Module 2, for the map, the values of fc1 and fc2 are selected specifically relevant to the crop calendar date (in other words, fc1 and fc2 are the values relevant to the DOY when the maximum attainable yield is obtained (applied to both rainfed and irrigated).

Hope these things clarify.


Swun Wunna Htet

WeirdCxychen commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your detailed reply!

maobw12 commented 1 month ago


A型和B型约束是温度剖面约束计算下的概念。在 PyAEZ 中,如果激活以进行温度曲线筛选,则在热筛选例程中会考虑这两种约束类型。

请注意,fc1 因子是通过在列出的热筛选程序(热气候、永久冻土条件、TSUM 和温度剖面筛选,如果您激活这些热筛选程序)的贡献中选择最限制值来获得最终结果,而 fc2 因子是从作物需水量计算中获得的,仅适用于雨养条件。

尽管在模块 2 中对每个可能的周期评估了 fc1 和 fc2 因子,但对于地图,fc1 和 fc2 的值是选择与作物日历日期特别相关的(换句话说,fc1 和 fc2 是与获得最大可达到产量时的 DOY 相关的值(适用于雨养和灌溉)。



Swun Wunna Htet(斯温·温纳·赫特)

I would like to ask if fc1 is a factor under temperature limitation, so are the fc1 values the same for irrigated and rainfed conditions? I simulated fc1 under irrigated and rainfed conditions, some raster values are the same and some raster values are different