gicait / PyAEZ

PyAEZ is a python package consisted of many algorithms related to Agro-ecalogical zoning (AEZ) framework.
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yield result obtained by module3 #82

Open xfry-lixuan opened 1 year ago

xfry-lixuan commented 1 year ago

Is the yield result obtained by module3 the result of reduced production or is it simply the result of reduced production due to meteorological factors?

As I am not a native English speaker, please forgive me.


xfry-lixuan commented 1 year ago

And are the outputs of other modes consistent with the results of module3

NokuzaSezo97 commented 1 year ago

Dear @xfry-lixuan,

In short, what you mentioned about both cases are correction: yield is reduced and it is reduced by climatic conditions. . GAEZ states four different types of agro-climatic constraints: 'a' constraint, 'b' constraint, 'c' constraint and ''d" constraint. (See more in Module III: Climatic Constraints).

I'm not quite sure for your second question about modes. The screenshot provided is from v2.0 which considers mode for rainfed and irrigated condition which works with two reduction factor files (ALL_REDUCTION_FACTOR_RAIN/IRR). And the factors in those files are input-level/LUT/crop-specifically. If you're applying constraints for rainfed condition, you would need to select rain; the same goes for irrigated condition as well.

Please also note that the evaluation scheme in Module III is expanded in v2.1, and input parameters for module III has changed. Please be mindful of that if you're using v2.1.

I hope these info are helpful.


Swun Wunna Htet

xfry-lixuan commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry, due to my fault, you didn't understand what I meant. What I mean is, does the 'yield_out' here refer to the adjusted output or is it due to the reduced output after mode correction? I am using V2.0. I apologize again to you.

NokuzaSezo97 commented 1 year ago

Dear @xfry-lixuan,

Ah.... yes. So, the yield_in refers to the unconstrainted input yield (rainfed or irrigated) obtained from Module II, and the yield_out is the returned yield output after applying climatic constraints.

Warm Regards,

Swun Wunna Htet


xfry-lixuan commented 1 year ago

I understand, but there was a problem with my actual operation. When I kept the parameters here consistent with GAEZ, the output was all 0, but I couldn't find the specific reason, so I had this question.


图片 图片

NokuzaSezo97 commented 1 year ago

Dear @xfry-lixuan,

At the moment, it's too general to answer. So, could you investigate these?

  1. Check LGP, Equivalent LGP and Input Yield map having zeros all over the area. If that's the case, there's something wrong with one of the input layers.
  2. If not, I need more information to investigate details. So, I would like to request to provide me these information.

Thank you.


Swun Wunna Htet

xfry-lixuan commented 1 year ago

Thank you, I will provide you with these documents. I am bothering you due to my problem. My heartfelt apologies and thanks to you.

xfry-lixuan commented 1 year ago 图片

xfry-lixuan commented 1 year ago 图片

These files are in, please!

NokuzaSezo97 commented 1 year ago

Thank you @xfry-lixuan, I'll check it out and reply back tomorrow.

xfry-lixuan commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much!

NokuzaSezo97 commented 12 months ago

Dear @xfry-lixuan,

I've investigated the issue with your yield value having zeros all over area of interest. Here's what I've checked.

  1. Nothing's wrong with the input TIFF files.
  2. Nothing's technically bugged in v2.0 Module III.
  3. The reason for returning zero is because you have at least one zero value in one of four agro-climatic constraint factors for all day-interval classes (In the reduction file, each row represents a particular type of agro-climatic constraints) . This causes that no matter how many days LGP-equv have, agro-climatic constraint factor returned as zero. (Confirmed with excel sheet, please check it out.) So, the returned yield will be zero as well.

For this technical suggestion, at least one day-interval column must not have zero across 4 constraint types. But, in agricultural sense, I don't know whether it's correct or not. You decide.

Best regards,

Swun Wunna Htet

Reduction_factor_investigation.xlsx Note: I've investigated the returned reduction factor from four constraints based on your setting. All returned zero.

maobw12 commented 5 months ago

演示.zip 图片

Hello, I would like to ask you how you get your climate data for future scenarios? Especially the relative humidity, solar radiation and wind speed for the future scenario. Best regards, MAO