giejay / domoticz-gbridge-plugin

Domoticz plugin for the Kappelt gBridge
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support for color selection #11

Closed JurikRistjouw closed 5 years ago

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago

Is there any development going on for this new feature?


giejay commented 5 years ago

I have contacted Peter for updating the Docker images so I can start developing it:)

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago

That is very nice to read. I am eager to try it out! I will wait patiently

giejay commented 5 years ago

Btw, would it be enough to only have this trait available for Dimmers? Or do you have other types of devices for which the colour can also be set?

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago

No, i guess dimmers will do fine. I don't know of a colour changing device which cannot dim also.

giejay commented 5 years ago

I have added color support for Dimmers. You might need to remove the device and run the sync again. Or manually add the colorsettingrgb trait with topic: gBridge/u1/{domoticz_id}/colorsettingrgb

SylvainPer commented 5 years ago

Are the docker images ok for you ? I'm using the arm32v6 version and after the pull, the content seems the same and the new trait is not available.

giejay commented 5 years ago

You have to run the migration step, exec into the php-fpm docker container and execute: php artisan migrate.

SylvainPer commented 5 years ago

Done but nothing to migrate, I think it's more like the content of the container wasn't updated. I looked inside and the file are still the previous ones.

giejay commented 5 years ago

How old are the docker images? Mine are updated last Monday

giejay commented 5 years ago

Are you seeing this file:

SylvainPer commented 5 years ago

No, I asked Peter why.

SylvainPer commented 5 years ago

The problem was coming from the volume shared between the containers. The www sources wasn't updated inside, I don't know at witch moment this should happen but by removing it, I forced it.

giejay commented 5 years ago

You removed the volume mapping inside the yml file? I dont have the volume mapping anymore and that seems to work fine.

SylvainPer commented 5 years ago

I removed the existing volume, it's still in the yml file but had to recreate it on the up request. Maybe I should remove the volume if the share between web & web-fpm is not necessary.

giejay commented 5 years ago

Fixed in latest commit

SylvainPer commented 5 years ago

Could you add bcfa695d38ce07690686db002d55f79650fc1d80 into master ?

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago

nice, i will get it asap! and test it out! Thanx for this feature @giejay

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago

how exactly do i ask for a color for a device?

giejay commented 5 years ago

I thought I knew, but its not working for me anymore. Also dont think its that interesting, for Google to tell me what the color of light I can just see:)

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago

Nice, google at its best i guess. Took them 3 months to fix the streaming issue.....

on topic: I also did not find any documentation on the matter from gbridge...

giejay commented 5 years ago

Could you add bcfa695 into master ?

Yes, done

SylvainPer commented 5 years ago

Yes, done

Thanks !