giejay / domoticz-gbridge-plugin

Domoticz plugin for the Kappelt gBridge
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when saying lights of in room x, all devices are shut off #5

Closed JurikRistjouw closed 5 years ago

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago

before last commit, only the lights would turn of with the response, ok turning of 2 lights. Now somehow it turns of all devices in room x and responds ok, turning off 4 lights... The switches have a switch icon and the lights have a light icon.

giejay commented 5 years ago

Can you try resyncing? Do you actually see 4 logs in the domoticz log regarding turning off of the devices? I have 13 devices, including 4 lights, when saying, turn off the lights, it only turns of the lights in the room I'm currently in.

The last commit doesn't change anything regarding switches/lights so that can't be it

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago

I see that all the devices are turning off, so the amount of devices is correct. But it only should turn on/off the lights, not also a fan and a heater. Tried resync (twice) but same results. Only thing that has changed was the last commit and therefor deleted the devices and readded. From then on this problem occurs.

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago

Maybe i should relink my google account and try again?

EDIT: just unlinked, deleted and readded and synced devices. now assigning rooms and will test further.

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago

update: I see what the problem is: on the newly linked list of devices in GH, i see the switches registering as a light! before it was a switch icon. so at this point, google sees 4 lights, instead of 2 lights and 2 switches. please advice

giejay commented 5 years ago

Switches are marked as lights based on whether the image in Domoticz is a light. I know, a bit tricky, but that was the only way for me to know whether a switch should be treated as a light. Does that apply for your switches?

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago

yes it does, in domoticz, it is registered as a fan and a heating device (was also the case when it did work) the lights as a light.

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago


these devices are in the Attic. The heating device is called "Attic heating" in gbridge friendly name, the other devices are named nearly as is

giejay commented 5 years ago

Can you share the json which is returned for this url: http://your-domoticz-ip:8080/json.htm?type=devices&filter=all&used=true&order=Name. Im specifically interested in the switches which are registered as lights.

giejay commented 5 years ago

I found the issue, and fixed it with latest (2) commits. Can you remove the devices from gBridge and try again?

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago

sure I will pull and reset all things.

For debug purposes, i've zipped my device result for you. when asked use your username as the word.

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago

plugin disabled, pulled, deleted devices, synced devices twice clean in GH now restared domoticz enabling plugin readding devices in GH testing.....

JurikRistjouw commented 5 years ago

YES it works! the returned numbers are not right but i guess that is cache.

The lights are registering as lights and the others as switches. When asking google to turn off the lights, it does so and other devices stay on! "ok turning six lights on..." I guess i have synced one time to many LOL

Cheers on you mate!

giejay commented 5 years ago

Awesome! Btw, for the next time, you don't need to stop Domoticz. You can do a git pull and click update for the gbridge hardware, thats enough to get the new codebase running.