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Digits wrongly processed by divvun-suggest output awk script #25

Open snomos opened 1 year ago

snomos commented 1 year ago

The script earlier found in lang-smj/tools/tts/convert-helper.awk has been moved to giella-core/scripts/convert-divvunsuggest-to-almostplain.awk, I believe it can be useful for more languages.

There are still some issues:

Sample input to test the errors

Digits in the thousands (ie including space):

– Nordlánda fylkkamánne le ájnas aktisasjbarggoguojmme gå galggap tjadádit dåjmajt sámegiela doajmmaplánan oarjjel- ja julevsámegielaj gáktuj. Dan diehti doarjju ráddidus fylkkamánne gielladåjmajt jagen 2010 1,7 millijåvnåjn kråvnåjn, javllá ådåstuhttem-, háldadus- ja girkkoministar Rigmor Aasrud. Duodden juolloduvvá 150 000 kråvnå prosjæktaj ”YouTube på lulesamisk”.

CLB tag in the output:

Sij gudi libjjáv oadtju li:


Gållelibjes: Oddvar Hansen, Otto Kristian Løvik, Lill Hege Nilsen, Jørn Øverby ja Erik Martinsen Øvergaard.

Disappearing commas:

Silbbalibjes: Lise Berit Aronsen, Thomas Cordtsen, Kjersti Buer Dolve, Sjur Harald Dolve, Marcel Gleffe, Bjørn Kasper Ilaug, Allan Søndergaard Jensen, Bjørn Juvet, Terje Bergan Lien, Christer Lillestrøm, Sissel Martinsen, Ole Johan Simonsen, Julien Lucien Bernard Sué ja Helge Gjerløw Wettre.

Duplicated compounds:

Barggovuorddemrudá binneduvvi 3 165 millijåvnåjn kråvnåjn

ends up as:

BargovuorddemrudáBarggovuorddemrudá binneduvvi 3 165 millijåvnåjn kråvnåjn

flammie commented 1 year ago

ah yeah these are all interesting ambiguities, a colon at the beginning of the line is used both by whitespace stuff in our cg format and suggestions now, the comma in second field is used to separate suggestions (though probably not empty strings) and spaces in lemma make field counting a bit ambiguous.

so, the current work arounds are a bit hacky.

snomos commented 1 year ago

The problem with compounds seems to be when one analysis renders a ?, while the other renders the expected output:

    "libjes" N Sem/Dummytag Sg Nom
        "gålle" N Sem/Mat Cmp/SgGen Cmp
gålle+N+Cmp/SgGen+Cmp#libjes+N+Sg+Nom   ?
    "libjes" N Sem/Dummytag Sg Nom
        "gålle" N Sem/Mat Cmp/SgNom Cmp
gålle+N+Cmp/SgNom+Cmp#libjes+N+Sg+Nom   Gållelibjes
    ":" CLB
:+CLB   :

This leads to the following final text:

gålle+N+Cmp/SgGen+Cmp#libjes+N+Sg+NomGållelibjes: Oddvar Hansen, Otto Kristian Løvik, Lill Hege Nilsen, Jørn Øverby ja Erik Martinsen Øvergaard.

Instead of the expected:

Gållelibjes: Oddvar Hansen, Otto Kristian Løvik, Lill Hege Nilsen, Jørn Øverby ja Erik Martinsen Øvergaard.

snomos commented 1 year ago

Here's an extreme case of the duplicate compound bug:

Bjørn Olav Megard le låhkåm cand.polit. sosialantropologijja oajvvefágajn Oslo universitehtas.

is turned into:

Bjørn Olav Megard le låhkåm cand.polit.cand.polit socialantropologidjasocialantropologiddjasocialantropologidjasocialantropologiddja oajvvefágajn Oslo universitehtas.


It seems that in this case, none of the generated forms are identical to the input form (because the input is a NO form, and all output forms are SE forms), and the output forms differ among them. In such a case, we just go for the first one, we don't have the time to do anything more advanced.

flammie commented 1 year ago

Might need more advanced parser or fix on divvun-suggest side for some of these cases where there's multiple different results, before the awk becomes too unwieldy... For quick patch maybe vislcg's -1 option for picking 1-random to tie break is good enough?

snomos commented 1 year ago

The vislcg solution will only fix things on the analysis side. The problem is that the generation of the new word forms is ambiguous. And I don't know how to fix this quickly. Adding an option to divvun-suggest to unique the output would help, but is not enough. Also a flag on stderr to warn about unresolved ambiguity would help, there are not that many.

Any suggestion welcome 🙂

snomos commented 1 year ago

Actually, it seems to be only two cases left:

Since I don't know awk, I have no idea how hard this would be.

flammie commented 1 year ago

I actually couldn't get cg-proc -1 to work anyways :blush:

it's maybe less spaghetti than it might have been but the code tracks now kind of one output per cohort, which is not the best, but actually to control it cg rules might be the way to go.

For cand.polit. the variants are I think with and without a full stop and maybe one with :v at the end if I read correctly?

snomos commented 1 year ago

With the changes in 63adeef715fd77d978584d5a2e61d6329b710b6f it is almost perfect. What is still left are some cases where the awk script does not choose the word form that is identical to the input form even when there is such a word form. Example input:

Jus muhtema mielas nágin le vajáldahtedum, de dåhkki ájn ienep ulmutjijt libjjáj oajvvadit.

Earlier output (with multiple forms concatenated):

Jus muhtemuhtema mielas nágin le vajáldahtedum, de dåhkki ájn ienep ulmutjijt libjjáj oajvvadit.

New output after the latest fix:

Jus muhte mielas nágin le vajáldahtedum, de dåhkki ájn ienep ulmutjijt libjjáj oajvvadit.

Expected: since the input form is muhtema, and that word form is among the generated word forms, I had expected that one to be selected.

ilm024 commented 1 year ago

Another error:

Äládus- ja oasesdepartementaoasesdepartemænnta

The æ in "Æládus" has become ä, but not in last part of compound, "departemænnta"

ilm024 commented 1 year ago

Gehtjav makkár {åvddånbuktemvuohke} l gåvån = Gehtjav makkár {} l gåvån

åvddånbuktemvuohke e err/cmp.

ilm024 commented 1 year ago

Anne Silja l aj åvdep giese journalisstan barggam {NRK} Sámeradio åvdås= Anne Silja l aj åvdep giese journalisstan barggam {NRK:A} Sámeradio åvdås

ilm024 commented 1 year ago

Dán jagásj Bårjjåsin li guokta {vuostasj} artihkkala = Dán jagásj Bårjjåsin li guokta {vuostas} artihkkala

ilm024 commented 1 year ago

Ja {gájkka} galggá sámegiellaj dáhpáduvvat = Ja {gájkav} galggá sámegiellaj dáhpáduvvat

snomos commented 1 year ago

In retrospect, the processing should have been different:

Ie keep everything as original unless there is reason to do otherwise.

We might still want to do this for future work for other languages and contexts.

flammie commented 1 year ago

mm, a long term solution should definitely go in a one of the applications that can process whole cohorts and sentences with all information intact. But this prototype will be very useful for design we should collect and categorise the problems to keep in mind.