giellalt / lang-sms

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers and proofing tools, and language resources for the Skolt Sami language
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Cannot compile sms with xfst ( #11

Closed albbas closed 6 years ago

albbas commented 7 years ago

This issue was created automatically with bugzilla2github

Bugzilla Bug 2396

Date: 2017-05-29T11:40:03+02:00 From: Børre Gaup <> To: Trond Trosterud <> CC: rueter.jack, sjur.n.moshagen

Last updated: 2017-10-22T07:33:24+02:00

albbas commented 7 years ago

Comment 12439

Date: 2017-05-29 11:40:03 +0200 From: Børre Gaup <>

cd $GTHOME/langs/sms ./configure make

ends with the error:

1 error found. twolc> compile Please fix errors before compilation. Bye! CP sms-phon.compose.xfst cp: klarte ikke å hente informasjon om 'sms-phon.xfst': Fila eller mappa finnes ikke

./configure --with-hfst --without-xfst make


albbas commented 7 years ago

Comment 12440

Date: 2017-05-29 14:11:13 +0200 From: Trond Trosterud <>

I ei fjern fortid vart skoltesamisk kompilert med xfst-format, det gjekk vi bort frå, og det blir no kompilert med twolc. Så fila sms-phon.xfst finst ikkje, det som finst er sms-phon.twolc.

Derimot er det sant at sms ikkje kompilerer. Eg får denne feilmeldinga:

TWOLC sms-phon.xfst twolc> read-grammar sms-phon.twolc <=================== fila eksisterer opening "sms-phon.twolc" reading from "sms-phon.twolc"... Alphabet... Sets... Definitions... *** Error: Multiple definitions for "BetweenVowHeightAndMorph". <==== men har feil Rules...

Eg ser på det.

albbas commented 7 years ago

Comment 12441

Date: 2017-05-29 14:31:22 +0200 From: Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen <>

(In reply to Trond Trosterud from comment #1)

I ei fjern fortid vart skoltesamisk kompilert med xfst-format, det gjekk vi bort frå, og det blir no kompilert med twolc. Så fila sms-phon.xfst finst ikkje, det som finst er sms-phon.twolc.

Trond, du feilles feilmeldinga. Når meldinga seier:

1 error found. twolc> compile Please fix errors before compilation. Bye! CP sms-phon.compose.xfst cp: klarte ikke å hente informasjon om 'sms-phon.xfst': Fila eller mappa finnes ikke

så viser .xfst til utformatet: med xerox prøver vi å byggja ei fil .xfst ut frå *.twolc. Det at CP ikkje finn fila er fordi twolc fann ei feil og ikkje laga fila. Make klagar altså ikkje på at twolc-fila ikkje finst, berre på at den kompilerte fila ikkje finst (som jo er naturleg i og med at twolc feila).

Derimot er det sant at sms ikkje kompilerer. Eg får denne feilmeldinga:

TWOLC sms-phon.xfst twolc> read-grammar sms-phon.twolc <=================== fila eksisterer opening "sms-phon.twolc" reading from "sms-phon.twolc"... Alphabet... Sets... Definitions... *** Error: Multiple definitions for "BetweenVowHeightAndMorph". <==== men har feil Rules...

Eg ser på det.


albbas commented 7 years ago

Comment 12443

Date: 2017-05-31 12:30:25 +0200 From: Børre Gaup <>

This is solved, the litmus test for my part is that sms is analysed on stallo again.

albbas commented 7 years ago

Comment 12445

Date: 2017-05-31 14:46:53 +0200 From: Trond Trosterud <>

Well, solved since I commented out one of the two identical definitions (sorry for not reporting, I reported but got a mid-air collision that I did not notice). So:

Jack should still look at the twolc file and decide whether my ad hoc action is what he wants, or whether he wants both definitions.

Yes, there are two definitions with identical names. It is best that Jack look at them:

BetweenVowHeightAndMorph = [(%^VOWFront:|%^VOWBack:) (%^VOWTense:|%^VOWLax:) ((%^PALE:|%^PALÄ:|%^PALẸ:|%^PALÕ:) (%^Allegro:) %^PAL:|(%^PALÂ:|%^PALÕ:) (%^Allegro:) %^PALNo:)] ; !!= * @CODE@
!! }}}

BetweenVowHeightAndMorph = [(%^VOWFront:|%^VOWBack:) (%^VOWTense:|%^VOWLax:) ((%^PALE:|%^PALÄ:|%^PALẸ:|%^PALÕ:) (%^Allegro:) %^PAL:|(%^PALÂ:|%^PALÕ:) (%^Allegro:) %^PALNo:) ([(%^Allegro:) %^CC2C:|(%^Allegro:) %^CC2CAllegro:]|%^C2CC:|%^XYY2XY:|%^K2GG:|%^KK2GG:|%^CC2CCC:|%^CCC2C:|%^\ CCC2CC:|%^XYY2VY:|%^XYY2VYY:|%^KKK2GG:) RBound ] ;

I commented out the first one while waiting, and the fst thus compiles, with in the worst case some unwanted effects.

albbas commented 7 years ago

Comment 12446

Date: 2017-06-01 09:04:21 +0200 From: Jack Rueter <>

Thanks Trond for finding this duplicate. I have removed it.

BetweenVowHeightAndMorph = [(%^VOWFront:|%^VOWBack:) (%^VOWTense:|%^VOWLax:) ((%^PALE:|%^PALÄ:|%^PALẸ:|%^PALÕ:) (%^Allegro:) %^PAL:|(%^PALÂ:|%^PALÕ:) (%^Allegro:) %^PALNo:)] ; !!= * @CODE@
!! }}}

albbas commented 6 years ago

Comment 12677

Date: 2017-10-22 07:33:24 +0200 From: Trond Trosterud <>

Ok: sms compiles, duplicate removed, bug closed.