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Ambiguity of forward slash in tag names ( #11

Closed albbas closed 7 years ago

albbas commented 7 years ago

This issue was created automatically with bugzilla2github

Bugzilla Bug 2282

Date: 2016-12-01T09:00:45+01:00 From: Ciprian Gerstenberger <> To: Thomas Omma <> CC: ciprian.gerstenberger, lene.antonsen, linda.wiechetek, sandra.rahka, sjur.n.moshagen, trond.trosterud

Last updated: 2017-03-15T13:30:34+01:00

albbas commented 7 years ago

Comment 11749

Date: 2016-12-01 09:00:45 +0100 From: Ciprian Gerstenberger <>

Some tag names use forward slash with two different meanings: "<oaláš>" "oalli" NN Der/Dimin N Sg Gen Err/Orth-nom/gen @>N #3->4

  1. separator between attribute name and attribute value such in Der/Dimin or Err/Orth

  2. separator between differen values in some orthography error such in nom/gen

For generating lemmata for derivations, it is better to avoid this type of ambiguity.

That means tags such as Err/Orth-nom/gen should be better rewritten as Err/Orth-nom-gen.

albbas commented 7 years ago

Comment 11757

Date: 2016-12-01 10:09:36 +0100 From: Lene Antonsen <>

Etter avtale med Thomas har æ endret taggene i lexc-filene slik at vi har bindestrek istedenfor /:

+Err/Orth-a-á +Err/Orth-nom-gen +Err/Orth-nom-acc