gifflen / Javademic

An educational clone of the board game Pandemic by Zman Games
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build a research station special action rough psuedo code #4

Open drinne opened 12 years ago

drinne commented 12 years ago

Special Actions Build Research Station • If player/pawn role == OperationsExpert then SpecialAbility is this.SpecialAction • Where turnActionCost = 0 • and GUI Special Actions Menu puts “Build Research Station” button on top in “Special Ability” button field • and resorts the other buttons into the “Special Action” buttons Else • If Player/pawn role != OperationsExpert && • If Currentplayer’s Location contains Research Station == true || Currentplayer’s Hand doesn’t not contain playercard == Currentplayer’s location then display inactive “Build Research Station” button • If Currentplayer’s Location contains Research Station == false && then display clickable “Build Research Station” button

Special Action user prompt after has three choices /buttons “yes” , “no” “return to Action Menu” • On Mouseclick the GUI will prompt the Currentplayer “ You have chosen (this.Location), are you sure you’d like to build a research station here?” • If mouseClick = “yes” then player/pawn inserts ResearchStation to the new Location, when this.Location registers the ReasearchStation in it’s occupied zone && checks to confirm Currentplayer location then update board state and turnActionCount - -
• if turnActionCount == 0 then startDrawPhase else display ActionMenu GUI for Currentplayer

BrianJerardi commented 12 years ago

I added a Research Station Class and a Research Station Collection Class, so when we get to actions it should be a little easier to do this.